
I wasn't going to post again this morning (Lord knows a month hasn't passed yet since my last post!. This morning's Writer's Almanac forced my hand. Here are the last two stanzas of Lies My Mother Told Me, by Elizabeth Thomas.

It is bad luck to kill a moth. Moths are
the souls of our ancestors and it just
might be Papa paying a visit.
If you kiss a boy on the mouth
your lips will stick together
and he'll use the opportunity
to suck out your brains.
If you ever lie to me
God will know
and rat you out.
And sometimes
God exaggerates.
Trust me —
you don't want that
to happen.

Now back to last minute laundry!

posted at 9:07 AM



It's Road Trip Weekend! Chris and I are hitting the open road tomorrow morning. We'll be staying in Tupelo tomorrow night, Atlanta Saturday and Birmingham on Sunday. It's the Carter Family Deep South Tour '09! If you need us, we'll be on Highway 78, rockin'to the Carolina Chocolate Drops while drinking Peach Nehi till our teeth rot out. Here's hoping we'll have time to stop off at The World's Largest Office Chair!

The ultimate goal of our road trip will be to arrive, safe and sound, at The Not Wedding in Atlanta, Georgia on Sunday night. There I will be hocking my buttony wares & doing my best to convince the gathered brides that bartering cash for buttons is the way to go in these tough economic times. I don't know if you've read The Economist lately but "Purchasing 1 Inch Buttons" is right between "Grow your own Victory Garden" and "Put All Your Money in a Mattress" in their list of ways to ride out the recession. My dads favorite tip, "Shut the Refrigerator Door," is a distant fourth.

When I get back from Atlanta I might have time for things other than button making... like blogging... and also doing the dishes.

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posted at 1:20 AM




I hate to be all “Poor little Insured Girl” while the self-employed of the world play a Shostakovich concerto on teeny tiny violins… but MAN, no one told me that health insurance would be such a gigantically painful hassle! I would almost prefer to sit for hours on end at a public health clinic. Sure snotty kids got their sticky sick fingers all over me… and the screaming… ohgodthescreaming… but I’d pay my 15 bucks, and as soon as I stepped out the door I could begin forgetting the whole awful experience.

Having health insurance is like a PTSD flashback of hassle. Three months after my initial visit with my internist, the claim rejection letters start rolling in. Then the phone calls… and the hours of hold time with customer care. After spending 47 years of my life that I’ll never get back, it all turned out to be a simple misunderstanding. My doctor’s office had erroneously attached me to my husband’s policy . . . also Pacificare thought I was a man.

“Not a big deal,” said Ms. Customer Care. “At least not till you try filing a claim at a gynecologist, or try to receive prenatal care.” Just the same, I’d kind of like my pharmacist to stop looking at me funny.

When it’s all said and done, Pacificare . . . I love you baby. I didn’t mean to say all those hateful things about you. I really love how, out of all my prescriptions, it was the $450 2oz bottle of lotion that you decided to cover instead of all those cheap generics… and I love you for that. Don’t ever go.


posted at 12:42 PM




Guess what I did this weekend? Recovered my dining room chairs!
We picked them up at a thrift store about 6 months ago with every intention of recovering them nigh immediately... but, as my kindergarten progress report noted, I work at my own pace.

I'm not blame throwing or anything here, but things move a lot more slowly since Chris is just as opinionated as I am about Every. Single. Thing. WEEKS were spent going back and forth on the font for our wedding invitations, and each step taken in the house is even more of a struggle. FINALLY we agreed on a fabric and I think they look pret-ty good, if I do say so myself. If you're interested, the winning fabric was Etsuko Furuya's Echino - Bird and Flower in khaki.

So yes, chairs recovered. I no longer have to awkwardly explain the weird, faded out pastel jungle tapestry that we replaced. Maybe next year the chairs will even be refinished!

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posted at 10:38 PM




I have just a bit of a problem when it comes to Craigslist. I may only find something I need once every six months, but I promise it's not for lack of trying. It's just not a successful day unless I've checked the furniture section at least three times (and also Missed Connections... I've never claimed to be classy). So now you know I'm a little bit of a craigslist expert who's seen many things in my day, and you can believe me when I say that it is rare to find something as fantastically ROCK HARD AWESOME as what I am about to show you now.

What is it, you say? Is it a fireplace? Is it a totally rad home stereo system? It is both! This beauty features an 8 track player, turntable, electric lighted log, AND a rotating wine rack. Giggity giggity.


posted at 9:06 PM




Obama Buttons
Originally uploaded by feelingismutual

posted at 9:13 PM



Mt Zion Baptist Church
Originally uploaded by feelingismutual

posted at 9:05 PM



Mt Zion Baptist Church
Originally uploaded by feelingismutual

posted at 9:05 PM



Mt Zion Baptist Church
Originally uploaded by feelingismutual

posted at 9:05 PM



Originally uploaded by feelingismutual

posted at 9:04 PM



Election Day
Originally uploaded by feelingismutual

posted at 9:03 PM




My friend Aaron Willis became radio famous today as a guest on The Story with Dick Gordon. Aaron is a Child Welfare Specialist with OKDHS, and his interview was recorded as part of The Story's "Tough Jobs" series.

I am very impressed with young Aaron, and about as proud of him as one can be without being his mama. I am especially proud of the way he portrayed those of us who work for OKDHS. It's a nice change for rural Oklahoma to be represented by someone intelligent and well-spoken– who doesn't bring to mind visions of undereducated, nouveau dust-bowl victims named Cletus.

If you're curious about finding out more about DHS– and those who choose to work for the welfare of our children– you need to listen to this interview. You don't even have to subscribe to The Story's podcast (Although, you should. It's a pretty good little program), you can download the show right here. Aaron's story starts at 31:05.

Aaron: The job's not for everybody.. it's not something that everybody can do. And, I'll go as far as to say that it's a job that few people can do. But, I can. And by virtue of that feeling, I have a responsibility to do so...
Dick Gordon: You could go back and get a PHD in philosophy and spend the rest of your days in a soft leather chair...
Aaron: ...Yeah...Philosophy professor. That was something I considered... doing my philosophy degree, obviously... and something I really enjoy. But, challenging rich kids to change the way they think, versus being in a rural impoverished community... it's just a better life. The way I look at it anyway. It may not be as comfortable– and I may be grossly underpaid– but... it's worth it. It's just worth it."

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posted at 6:10 PM




mmmm... so good!


posted at 11:45 PM




19 days till the election! Gah... it feels like I'm having a heart attack! Though that's probably just because my diet today consisted almost entirely of Smarties and coffee.

It's been awhile since a good Obama merch post (or any post at all really... *cough cough). So, before this election season runs its course... here we go one last time!

"I Can Clean Up This Mess" embroidered dishtowel Obama/McCain shadow puppets Palin Shot My Paw tshirt Barack embroidered hair clipsElitists for Obama pin Michelle and Barack ponytail holders Yes We Can tote Safe House tshirt Barack neck tie

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posted at 8:31 PM




David Foster Wallace is dead at age 46.

posted at 2:06 PM




Earlier this summer, Chris and I moved our bathtub to the front porch in order to keep up the illusion that we are still working on our disaster of a bathroom. I promise that leaving the tub there where it sat was not a part of our plan. This was not a vain attempt at winning the hearts and minds of our neighbors... although, let me tell you, nothing will improve your chances of winning Neighbor of the Year more than bathroom fixtures next to your front door. We had every intention of putting it in Chris' truck and hauling it over to Habitat for Humanity. Promise. But the thing was about 400 pounds more than the poor little pick-up could handle... so there it sat.

I'm sure our postman appreciated the tub since it was right in front of our mailbox. He's used to it though, since it seems that each day there's a new and different piece of debris out there chronicling our home's destruction from the inside out. We call it the Mailbox Physical Challenge. Sure we'd like our Netflix, but could you complete this obstacle course first?

But the tub is gone now. Sold on Craigslist for $50 when, really, if the buyers had been just a little bit better at negotiating, they could have talked us into giving them $50 just for haulin' it away.

We'll miss you old tub. I had just gotten used to giving directions to our home by pointing people to the "house with a bathtub on the porch"... and now you're gone.

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posted at 10:16 AM




Do you... do you ever have blog guilt? Oh boy. I do.
If I let too much time pass between posts, I can't even bring myself to look at the poor thing. But even if I could, I wouldn't be able to see the screen through the thick veil of shame. I tell you what, it's a vicious cycle that I need a 12 step program to break.

I feel the same way about all forms of correspondence. I love you all. Really I do... but sometimes I'm so embarrassed that I haven't written someone back in a timely manner that I just... well, I just don't write back at all. I want to write an email that I'll truly be proud of, an email worthy of its recipient. Just a simple "Hi. How are you?" would do just fine, but because I don't have time to write THE BEST LETTER YOU'VE EVER READ EVER, you'll never hear from me again. It's not because I don't love you. It's because I do. And for this great flaw in my character.. I am truly sorry.

It's quality not quantity, right?


Chris and I will be in Norman trainin' it up for the State this next week. Do you know what that means? Stuck in a hotel room with no internet for a week. Gasp! I know. Life is hard.

posted at 11:51 PM




Gah. I'm tired of looking at my stupid mug... let's move it down the page a bit, shall we?

Yesterday, I finally heard back about the job. Lord Almighty. I don't know if you've ever sought employment with a state office but you have to set aside like half of your life just to sit and wait. Then you mail a form. And then you wait some more. And then you mail that same form again, along with two copies. Then? More waiting. 15 years later, you've got a job!

Well.. I will have a job... after the drug test comes back in another week. And then I don't actually start till the middle of August. OH MY LORD SO MUCH WAITING!

The position I wanted the very most is still in process but I've grown old and wrinkly and need to move on BUT please please please could I please wait a while longer so they can get their act together? No. Sorry, I can't. Mama needs to buy a loaf of bread. Good thing I have a few more design jobs lined up before then cause it would be a little sad if I had to go on gov't assistance while waiting to get my first paycheck from DHS, don't ya think?

Yesterday, I sat in the drug testin' waiting room with the man who drove this truck:
Tulsa World Story

News Channel 6

His arm was scratched up, but he was in remarkably un-dead condition for having just flipped an exploding truck full of sulfuric acid and bleach. I was glad to hear that the accident was caused by a tire blowout and not through any fault of his own. Way to go Chemical Truck Dude!

Oh and by the way, I highly recommend the National Occupational Health Services for all your drug testing needs. The staff is very professional and friendly... which is hard when you handle the urine of smack addicts for a living. They also had cute hair. The whole lot of 'em.

Don't forget to vote today! Brady Heights! Get yourself to Mount Zion Baptist Church!
Elgin and Easton! Polls stay open till 7pm!

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posted at 9:29 AM




Wish me luck!


posted at 12:18 PM



Hey! Look at these new things I made. They are now available for buying!

Watch Out for Bears

Sorry for the short promotional post, but I have an interview for which I must prepare. Where are my nose hair clippers!? Wish me luck!

Sex Education

Deer #1: Curious

Deer #2: So Curious

Deer #3: Not My Fault

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posted at 9:40 AM




I dare you to not have a better day after listening to that song.

I tell you what, there's nothing like blasting a little Neil when cruising North Pine with your windows down (they're broken), sportin' your Golden Girls sunglasses (they're the only ones that fit over my regular glasses). Who says gentrification isn't fun for everyone!?

Neil Diamond is coming to Tulsa in October. The tickets are $88 to $695 a piece. That is SO worth it. If someone rich wanted to buy me two tickets for my birthday (September 28) I would accept them with gladness in my heart. You can even come with me, if you would like. For I never cared for the sound of being alone.

Gah... I'm out of coffee...


posted at 10:35 AM



You know what? I completely forgot about McSweeney's. Man! I love McSweeney's! Especially the lists because, despite the fact that I don't have cable, I have attention deficit disorder.

Favorite lists:
Broadway Musicals Written by Gender-Studies Professors.
Significant Ways I Differ From Carly Simon.
The Wages of Sin
The Lesser-Known Slogans of Political Moderates.

I'm trying to cut back on my coffee, so I've only been brewing six cups each morning. Chris takes 3 of those cups with him in his working man's traveling mug and that leaves one and a half mugs for me if I use my huge Allan Bros. mug with the lip groove. Have you ever used a mug with a lip groove? You don't know true lip comfort until you have used a mug with a lip groove.

Anyway, every time I pour that last half a cup it makes me unbearably sad and full of regret that I didn't brew a full 12 cups like back in the good ol'days.

I've been painting a lot... it's a riot.


posted at 10:16 AM




Over the last few weeks, you may have noticed the Etsy box to the right. See it? Yup, right there, just above the flickr one.

Visit my shop for all manner of lovely items. Need some custom buttons? Order them here! Want to celebrate your Tulsa pride? Gotcha covered! Handmade bags? Yes! Vintage goodies? All sorts!

I have A LOT of items to add so, and over the next few weeks I'll be listing some of my new artwork too. Very exciting!

Shop away and help me pay my mortgage!

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posted at 2:17 PM




One of the many fabulous things about living in Brady Heights is our community garden. Thanks to the monsoon which is currently ruining my basement, our garden is out of control with leafy greeness. We've been picking the strawberries all summer, but this is our first harvest from the vegetable side of things.

Last night, Chris and I started craving curry but didn't want to leave the house. So we trekked across the street to our little garden plot at 10:30pm with flashlights and scissors like garden bandits. I'm sure the neighbors think we're crazy. We totally are, guys. It's true.

Added in some coconut milk, rice, dates and prik khing curry and we had dinner for two plus enough for todays' lunch! Today calls for zucchini bread and the completion of the pea harvest. It's much easier in daylight.

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posted at 9:26 AM




Dear Marissa (circa 2000),
Yesterday I tossed your Juliana Theory t-shirt into a big cardboard box marked "Goodwill". Now, don't cry. Its been years since I've been able to wear it and even longer since I realized that the Theory really weren't all that great to begin with. A little campy even. With the screaming and all? Sorry.

Just think of the little emo kid who will wet themselves in excitement over finding a "vintage" Juliana Theory shirt for 3 bucks amongst all the shirts commemorating team building and 5k runs. I know you go crazy for that kind of thing. Shoot, I still do.

I know, I know. If you had known that we would "grow up" to enjoy banjo music and James McMurtry, you would've slit your wrists... but then, you were a little emotionally unstable and really now, it's your fault that we moved to Oklahoma in the first place. You have to admit that you were kind of asking for it.

Thanks for your understanding,

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posted at 11:52 AM




Here's a little cross publishing action from the Brady Heights Neighborhood Association blog:

The latest issue of Cottages & Bungalows (June/July 2008) might be of some interest to those of us who live in fabulous, and much forgotten, American foursquare homes.

I've had a hard time finding information on this often overlooked architectural style, so it was great to discover 5 pages of the issue devoted to the foursquare with so many full color illustrations, floor plans and historical information.
The following is a list of links given at the end of the article for further information:
American Foursquare Architectural Style
American Foursquare
Foursquare Homes

There is also an article within the issue which discusses historically accurate paint colors and color schemes. According to the article, bright white is never allowed on the exterior or interior of a craftsman home. While I'm sure that is accurate historically, it does seem a little nit-picky to me. But maybe I just say that as a home owner who's every door, ceiling and piece of trim is painted white... not to mention the aluminum siding on the exterior of our home. We'll take care of that... someday.

It's always fun to find old floor plans that reflect the layout of your home. See If one of these foursquare plans match your own.
The 1916 Aladdin Cumberland
The 1921 Fenner Nebraska
The 1916 Sterling Windemere
The 1916 Sterling Manor
The 1916 Sears Kit Chelsea
The 1925 Wardway Marley
The 1921 Fenner Kentucky

If you have a home built before 1965 Antique Home is a fantastic resource for vintage reference material. Find old house plans, millwork illustrations, interior design articles and more– all taken from original source material!

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posted at 9:35 AM




All the recent storms have really caused havoc with our basement. The dehumidifier is working overtime but there's no stopping the water that seeps up from the cracks in the floor. As soon as I wipe it away, a fresh line of water oozes through. Whatever. You win nature. We cannot tame you.
Our dehumidifier is fantastic though. I don't know how we managed without it (probably by not having a leaky dank basement). Having the magical power to glean water from the air is quite the power to possess when you have to turn off the water for a few days. But then that is a story that I've taken oaths never to retell.

The storms have also done a real number on our exterior paint. Just one more reason to make repainting a priority. BUT if it hadn't been for terrible paint jobs and high winds, then we may never have realized our front porch's full potential. Under the layers and layers of various shades of green latex paint we had a red porch and didn't even know it! Break out the pressure washers!

So far we've gone through two pressure washers. We started out with a 1200 PSI unit which kind of tickled a little. We then upgraded to 1500 PSI, which worked considerably better.. but still, I don't want to be standing out there for a month cleaning one square at a time. This next weekend we'll be breakin' out the big guns with the most powerful pressure washer Home Depot's rental department has to offer! The kind that can take off a finger!

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posted at 12:49 PM




I love primary season. No matter who wins, everyone still gets a little sumthin' sumthin'. Now the real competition begins! Now the bumper sticker gets slapped on the car and the yard sign goes up! Now I start getting really nervous! Sigh.

I understand that tomorrow is the anniversary of the Robert Kennedy assassination, but I do wish NPR would quit playing tapes of the shooting. I've never worried about Sen. Obama's safety before and hopefully never will. However, I have to admit that the juxtaposition of these too historic events becomes a little chilling when it is replayed over and over and over again.

Speaking of terrible events of 1968 that should never be repeated. Have you heard of the group Recreate '68 who is planning a major protest for the DNC?
What's wrong with you people? Recreating 1968 is a terrible idea! I'm all for a little "Smash the State" to keep things lively, but seriously! Maybe you should think things through a little bit first. I'm sure Denver is SUPER pumped.

Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, D-N.Y., wipes her eye as
she watches
her campaign crash and burn.
Tuesday, June 3, 2008. (AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster)

Hillary Clinton is the new Ron Paul. I never would have guessed it a year ago but... Lord Almighty woman! Her self-sabotage is so painful to watch. I just feel sad for her....like, "Crying in Connecticut" sad. Does that make me a sexist? I promise I'm not, I still would've voted for you Hill... I'd pick a sneaky sneaky president with decent policy over Grampa Lumpy McCrankypants any day. Maybe.

And, Bill? I'm talking to you now, Bill. I love you, man, but... Look at me! You are NOT doing yourself any favors!

In COMPLETELY unrelated news. There is new merchandise celebrating the wonderful comic Pictures for Sad Children. John Campbell is a genius and in no way at all a failure at living.

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posted at 1:25 PM




My nominee for best quote ever.
During this year's commencement season, Obama will be addressing the students at Wesleyan in Senator Kennedy's stead. Wesleyan students are trying very hard to put their excitement into words. Dude Almighty, are they ever excited.

Lola Pellegrino ‘08: You know that feeling when you’re so excited you have to pee? I’m feeling that. In my heart.”

Runner up:
Sarah Lonning ‘06: “I can’t imagine anyone that the Wesleyan student body would possibly be more excited about. Maybe Gandhi, if he weren’t dead.”

This is for my dear brother who, I'm pretty sure, might have only been half joking when he told my mom that Obama was a likely candidate for Anti-Christ. At the very least he enjoys trying to rile us up with SLANDEROUS LIES. It doesn't work though. We're very level headed about such matters.

(source:theprereq.com via wonkette.com)

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posted at 8:32 PM



Something downstairs smells vaguely of vomit. It better not be actual vomit or I'm going to be seriously ticked off...
It would also mean that I have a nauseous prowler. No one wants that.

Update: Found it! Just the dog!


posted at 12:24 PM



[listening: noah and the whale]
[reading:life together]
[watching: weeds]
[project: stuff]

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