
Tuesday night Chris and I made an offer on a home and we still haven't heard whether or not it was accepted. Part of me knows that there is no way we'll get the house. Everything is working out a little too well and it just doesn't sit right with my inner pessimist. The other part of me is ripping pages out of decorating magazines and has already picked out the perfect tile for the kitchen back splash.
Chris is just as bad though. He spends his time absent mindedly drawing out the house's floor plan while discussing landscaping. We'll debate which room has the best light for the studio and in the next breath whisper "...ohgodohgodohgod we're not going to get it..." while rocking back and forth.

Realtors take a perverse pleasure in playing with people's emotions... I just know it.

Speaking of tragically premature plans...

I bought these small mixed media collages for the new kitchen from etsy artist,Sushipot. Each collage is a 2 1/2" square and comes mounted on a greeting card.

corner of my room
Originally uploaded by postscript love
I also ordered a "Keep Calm and Carry On" poster for the bedroom. I've been seeing the print all over flickr lately and knew it had to be mine. Find your own at keep-calm.com (or be a creep and buy yours from ebay like I did... keep-calm.com was out of the color I wanted).

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posted at 3:28 PM




I don't crochet... but if you do then you need to buy this tote from Scary Go Round, and you need to do it immediately. Trust me.

If you're not into hobbies that involve hooks and yarn, then follow this link to Scary go Round anyway and enjoy some high quality web comics involving Brits and the paranormal.

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posted at 10:07 AM




Three... three... three posts in one!

1.Why is it that whenever I use stock photography featuring "people-of-a-color-other-than-white" I have to have the awkward "it's a little too ethnic" discussion? Is this a normal customer reaction in all markets? How do you, as a designer, respond to customer requests for white-washing?

It really puts me in an awkward place morally as I have to find a happy medium between the client pleasing oh yes, what was I thinking!? White upper middle class faces coming right up! and self-righteous scorn. In my experience, when a client is given the choice of two ads, identical in every way other than the model's ethnicity, the client will always always choose the ad featuring the white model.

If any social scientist out there would like to conduct a study on race relations within small market advertising, I'm totally down with providing the data.

2. Check out this write up of ol' Tim Youmans published this week in the News-Star. It's not every day that someone essentially dubs you a present day incarnation of Woody Guthrie. I especially appreciated that the story gave me not one but TWO opportunities to say "Oh yeah, that Woody Guthrie guy? He was my marriage counselor." I don't get to name drop often so it was a very special day for me.
I saw Tim at lunch yesterday but I was too socially awkward to say hello... what with his new found fame and all. Listen to his free music for folks at myspace.com/timseantunes. Listen to the pretty melodies but to the lyrics above all. I can especially get down on (in a meditative way) the song "A Pretty Good Time", a touching tribute to Tim's youth group at First Baptist.

we will have a pretty good time
please be safe, in all the right ways
we’ll find there’s so much to give up
and in that, so much to gain
remember God in the days of youth
before we tire and grow weary
and we will have a pretty good time
as our lives shimmer and shine

3. On our way to OKC for our first official meeting of the Obama campaign volunteers, Chris and I were so psyched that, if asked, we would have driven all the way to Iowa to begin canvassing that very night! We had Hope in our hearts and Policy Reform on our lips! There was no greater man in Washington than Barack Obama and we, THE PEOPLE, were going to storm the White House in his name.

As we drove down the highway I imagined all the volunteers meeting together for the first time like old friends – all of us united in purpose. We'd pile on a bus to the tune of bird chirps and laughing children. We would all join and hands, guitars would come out of no where, and "We Shall Overcome" would be sung in 3 part harmony all the way to Des Moines! Somewhere, someone would buy the world a Coke.

Oh. My. Lord. What a gigantically excruciating disappointment.

When the meeting was adjourned we trudged back to our car... the only hope we had left was the hope that we would never ever see any of those people ever again.

Come with me on a journey towards disillusionment: The scene: An over crowded banquet room at "On the Border". Imagine that every person in the room was driven to attend the rally out of a desire for business networking rather than any kind of "audacious hope" for American politics. Imagine two straight hours of straining to hear the speaker over the "I'm richer than you" one-up manship going on around you. Watch in awe as business cards materialize out of thin air along with empty requests to "get with" their "people". Also, imagine that your refried beans were dry and crusty from being under a heat lamp too long and that the guy next to you, practically in your lap, is a little more than tipsy from a margarita the size of your head. Watch in disgust as Tipsy Man seems to really enjoy touching all the chips in the communal chip bowl.


"But Marissa", you say, "I was there! It was hardly the colossal waste of time and gas money that you imply!" Than I guess we weren't at the same table then, were we?

Special quotes from the evening:

"I would love to attend the Barack-B-Que, but I'll be in Aspen that weekend."

"Do you know _insert obscure name drop_?" "Oh yes! Her family used to summer near our beach home!"

"I'm voting for Mitt Romney anyway - have to look out for the ol' wallet."

Which brings to mind one other quote "I like your Obama, I do not like your Obama Mamas. Your Obama Mamas are so unlike your Barack Obama.” You tell'em Gahndi.

Thank you for letting me get this off my chest. Chris won't let me talk about it anymore.

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posted at 7:46 PM



[listening: noah and the whale]
[reading:life together]
[watching: weeds]
[project: stuff]

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