
Let's see...anything interesting going on around here...School will be starting soon. That's interesting isn't it? The RA's and staff are here already but that's about it so the campus is still pretty quiet but that won't last long.

After three long days of packing and unpacking boxes into the wee hours of the morning� and bidding a tearful goodbye to our kitchen� Jess, Heather and I are finally back in the Taylor. But hey! It's not that bad cause they built us a swingset behind the dorm! Why they felt we needed a swingset on campus I have no idea but I ask no questions...it's fun!

Stupid Italian Restaurant's paycheques keep bouncing so I'm going to exact my revenge upon their shady establishment by going to their bank and making them pay the outrageous service fees. Ha! I knew I stockpiled all my paycheques for a reason. You'd think that a thriving small business would be able to cover a 30 dollar cheque but I guess not.

The College Players site is almost up. I ironed out the code all pretty like and it should be up after the first officers meeting.

posted at 12:49 AM




Back in Shawnee for good now...although maybe I shouldn't put it that way, much to permanent. At least for the time being, I'm back in Shawnee. The trip to Houston went well. Finally flight overbookings worked in my favor and I was able to spend four more days with Dave than I had planned. But that was last week. This week I'm all alone. Heather and Jess are back in their respective states visiting one last time before school starts...which is soon! too soon if you ask me, although it'll be nice to have some people around campus again.

posted at 11:54 AM




My poor website...so sad, so neglected. Classes are over but I'm still in Shawnee for the rest of the summer workin hard for the money...or not so hard....either way. I'm once again only working for the library (long story, don't ask) so life is a lot less stressful now... I no longer go into a coma everyday after work.
Family vacation time was last week. Good times were had by all. We went to Boston for a few days then Newport, Plymouth, Martha's Vinyard and Mystic, Conneticut. Historical goodness and all that...shopping, whale watching, sea sickness, great fun. heh. Many stories could be told but like I said, my website is sad and neglected.

So after only two days being home, Dave called yesterday with the announcement that I will be in Houston by tomorrow afternoon. Sudden and spontaneous visits to significant others are always good. I feel bad for leaving though since Heather will be all by herself once again, that and she has to drive me to the airport at 7 in the morning. Much thanks and appreciation go out to Heather who is the coolest roommate ever...not counting all the other roommates I've had who are all incredibly cool in their own right.

posted at 12:20 PM



[listening: noah and the whale]
[reading:life together]
[watching: weeds]
[project: stuff]

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