
Oh! I almost forgot! Tomorrow's my birthday!! Yay for being 21

posted at 11:43 AM



My room mate is making threats in her evil ewok voice. If ever I wished that I had an audio blog, that time is now.

posted at 11:40 AM




Alright that's it. After a brief return to the world o' blogs, AB is finally turnin it in forever. Of course that is what he said last time so I'm still holding on to the tiny glimmer of hope that he may someday return. Untill that joyous day we will mourn the passing of one of the very greats. Everyone here at Feeling is Mutual (okay fine...it's just me) wishes you all the best.

posted at 9:08 PM




Stupid human tricks time: I was taking a shower last night, minding my own business, when much to my dismay the curtain falls. No sense letting water spray all over the floor so I decided to try and put it back up by standing on the rim of the tub. The rim of the tub was wet. As were my feet. Yes yes I know...not very bright. So as is common when wet feet try to stand on wet linoleum, I fell. Hard. Ribs brutalized by the rim of the tub.

Stop laughing...no I mean it..stop laughing!

Of course as I lay there dazed at the bottom of the tub all I could think about was how I would drown unless I could turn off the shower head. Quite a sight indeed. At least my roomates found it entertaining.

But the bruises make it all worth it. Sooo pretty...lot's of purple and blue spots, a lump the size of South Dakota on my hip. I can barely sit up straight but at least I have pretty bruises to show off.

The moral of the story: If the shower curtain falls, take a bath.

posted at 5:25 PM




Man they're just given these things away these days.Will. Another great man with a blog...and your going to pledge CP's aren't you Will. Yup.

posted at 9:35 PM



If only confetti and streamers could be hung from frames and party favors could be passed around to hits. Today is a day to celebrate. The reason, you ask? Well, besides the fact that I love and care for each and every one of you (excluding porn peddling poseurs) Dave has his very own blog! Yay for Dave! Woowoo! So finally my pseudo-fiance...otherwise known as "the man I will be engaged to someday but not now so stop asking"...has become one of the many many members of the ever growing blog community. But he's not just another nameless newbie blogger...oh no...this man has skills. Oh yeah he does...

posted at 9:00 PM




Also, sadly, the countdown to Dave has been cancelled as The Man now rules his life. I guess that's what happens when you become a respected member of society. The countdown to my birthday however is at 13 days, just...you know...FYI.

posted at 11:57 PM



Thank you oh so very much to the hacker who sent bulk porn-mail through my AOL account this weekend. Way to get my entire family booted from service. sigh...it'd almost be funny if it weren't so...violating? is that the right word? That's how I feel anyway. I feel just like Sandra Bullock in The Net. Makes me wish I had actually gone to see that movie instead of shunning it for the Sandra Bullock content.

I think I'm going to go sit in the fetal position and worry about things I can't do anything about now. Wish me luck.

posted at 11:34 PM




Seems like there just hasn't been enough time to actually sit down and post these days. Of course the lack of a working ethernet connection has been deffinant deterant. Whenever I find the time to write I'm more apt to email three page emails to a particular somebody in Houston than I am to post on my blog. Yeah yeah I know...priorities.

Schools back in. So are all the kids and all the fun that comes with that. But ya know what? I find it's really not that bad. I'm enjoying having all these people around now...call it what you will...maturity? probably not...But I've found that I actually like the majority of the people around here and those that I don't have very legitamate reasons to be disliked. Blasphemy, girls, I know. Living in the dorm's not all that bad. Of course having to wait at the light for 5 minutes to cross the street when tardiness is on the line is never a particular joy.

Countdown to Dave:21 days

posted at 1:31 AM



[listening: noah and the whale]
[reading:life together]
[watching: weeds]
[project: stuff]

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sept 26-- kelsey's birthday
sept 28-- my birthday

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