
No One Puts Jerry in a Corner

In the midst of all the tragedy this week it seems almost trivial. What's the death of one American actor when over 80,000 lives have been lost in an instant? But every life lost is worth commemorating and I sure loved this guy.

Jerry Orbach died today at the age of 69, one month after being diagnosed with prostate cancer.

posted at 4:23 PM




It's barely the afternoon and I'm already done with all my work for today. Things are pretty bad when I have to ask for things to do to pass the time.
You know that's my one complaint about this place (besides the wacky coworkers and clients, of which I have many a complaint), they never tell me what to do. They gave me no training to speak of so I just kind of go with the flow and pick up on things as they come my way. So far so good on that front. They didn't even tell me how much I was getting paid until I was here a week (luckily it was more than I assumed). It's even still a little cloudy as to what my hours really are, I just decided when I would come in and stuck with it. So far they seem cool with that and no one has mentioned my crazy amount of overtime. It just seems like there should be a certain order for doing things in the Adult World of Real Employment. Evidently Dillard's takes its self way too seriously. All of this is fine with me as long as I keep getting that fine lookin' paycheck in my mailbox.

As for my travail towards a legitimate career in the arts, I had some belated good news today. Looks like I'll be in OVAC's Momentum OKC show after all. The jurors emailed the chosen last Wednesday and I never heard from them so I just figured I wasn't selected. I was too embarrassed to call only to find out I had been rejected, so yesterday I emailed them from my work account for a list of selected artists under the guise of journalism. Smooth huh? Long story short: my name's on the list. Lesson learned: denial is constructive. Take it from me, Mr. T.

posted at 1:26 PM




posted at 1:45 PM




So just how sick are you?

Yet another post on my cold that won't die.
Last night when I was having one of my coughing fits (not jut fun to have but fun to watch too!) I looked down into the kleenex and there was blood! I thought I was going to die of consumption right there in the Rainbow bathroom... which is a pretty lousy way to go if you ask me. I just stood there for a while trying to decide how serious it was to be coughing up blood and then I looked in the mirror. It was my lip. A combination of incessant coughing and mouth breathing had split my lip. And you know what? I was really dissapointed.

posted at 5:39 PM




Dreaming of Canada
The last four days have been spent coping with my fluctuating illness. My body can't cope with multiple symptoms at once so it spaces them out into a neat little schedule that it can handle (I think my virus is autistic). Thursday was Sore Throat Day, Friday was Congestion Day, Saturday was Runny Nose Day and Sunday was Cough Day. So far today is Unbearable Earache Day but it's too early to be sure.
Three more months till I can sign up for health care but probably I'll be better by then so for now it's just me and my Wal-phed. Or I could always move to Canada.

Cat-Lady Update: P. left early on Friday so she could take her cat to the vet. She didn't think it was getting sick but just wanted to be sure. "Better safe than sorry," She whispered. I'm upset that her cat gets more medical attention than me. P's early departure pleased me for many reasons, only one of which was the obnoxious Christmas bell she wore around her neck all morning.

posted at 1:45 PM




Have you ever wondered what you would look like if you were drawn by a Japanese high school student? Here's a few avatars I made while at work the other day:



and me

If you're not here that doesn't mean I don't love you, I just couldn't get you to look right. And at work you know, sometimes I have actual work to do.

If you want to try your hand at it than hit thePortrait Illustration Maker.

posted at 2:19 PM




This Machine Owes Me .75 cents

Dear Dolly Madison,

Thank you so much for producing "Dunkin-Stix Breakfast Treats." Although they leave a chaulky aftertaste and they make me cough something awful, dipping them in my coffee makes them tolerable. I don't know what I would do without their addictive sugary goodness.

P.S. Is there a secret to cleaning "Dunkin Stix" residue off the bottom of my mug?

Dear Coca-Cola Vending Guy,

We're out of Dolly Madison's "Dunkin-Stix Breakfast Treats" in the break room. Bring more by 7:30 am tomorrow morning. Please don't make me resort to Frosted Honey Buns.

posted at 11:17 AM




Shattered Dreams (and/or hot beverage containers)
Apologies to my brother, Not only is he hip but he has impeccable hygene. Way to go Sean. Way to be hipper than anyone else I have ever known. You must come see me sometime. Promise. We'll rock this town.

Yesterday was a sad day. As I was scurrying around trying to leave work to get on with my mission I dropped my mug on the tile floor and it shattered into many, many pieces. That's what I get for trying to be a good person by washing the coffee ring out of my mug every evening. You'll remember said mug from my December 2nd post as it was the sole decoration in my cubicle. What was worse was our publisher was walking around the corner when it happened.
"Well I hope that wasn't your favorite mug. Heheheh," He said as he breezed by me on my hands and knees.
I muttered a "What can you do" as I swept up the pieces in my hands. But you know what? That was my favorite mug you big jerk!
This morning I went online and bought the exact same mug. I will not feel complete until it arrives. Why? Because I'm lame that's why. I'm lame, and I'm a klutz.

posted at 6:49 PM




Kung Pow Chicken
No time to post really, must be off to church as it is a wednesday and that's what one does on wednesdays. Yeah well some people do...and yes evidently I'm one of those people now. We're having a Christmas party for the youths tonight. Good times...and if not there will be food there and I am not in the least bit above eating food that was intended for others.
Fun things to do while at work: Google your family members. My brother has a Xanga site! Phat! It only makes sense because all the hip kids have them and Sean isabout as hip as one can get without bathing.
I've just been put on a mission to buy soda. And, sure, since it is for a church function then it could be interpreted as work for the divine . . .so I must go for I am on a mission from God!

posted at 6:00 PM




I broke a toe. Again. The colors are fantastic this time...much more vibrant...as is the pain. But what can you do? Not a thing evidently. Not a thing. Bah.
It's storming out and in about 10 minutes I have to get myself to job number two. Not interested thank you. What with the limp I'll be drenched by the time I get to the parking lot. Way to go on not bringing your umbrella by the way.
Off we go.

posted at 5:30 PM




Adventure in Permanent Temping

Crazy Cat Woman is really starting to get me down. She's starting to get Chris down too because he sure is tired of hearing about her and her crazy cat loving ways.

So here we go, reasons P is driving me crazy:

- The first day I started working here she handed me an Avon catalog. Every day since then she asks me if I had a chance to look at it. "Oh I left it at home", I say because I'm nice and can't tell her that if I wanted low quality tacky trash I'd go down to the dollar store and pay a lot less for it. "Oh that's okay," she whispers, because that's what she does, she whispers...and then she gives me another one. I currently have 7 Avon catalogs in the floor of my car.

-She likes Christmas almost as much as she likes cats. Yesterday she spent her entire 4 hour shift outfitting our office for Christmas. She stores the decorations in huge boxes under her desk all year long waiting with baited breath for the day she can finally pull them all out and annoy the ovaries out of us. She's also a big fan of the "All Christmas, All the Time" radio station, which she enjoys playing way too loudly so that everyone can take pleasure in the latest festive pap from the American Idol gang.

-She communicates with post-it notes. Even when I'm sitting at my computer she'll write me a note and stick it on the edge of my desk. I hate that.
-Did I mention P's a whisperer? Also she's hard of hearing. Maybe she's so afraid of being a loud-talker that she over compensates. H says that she's not so much deaf as she has selective hearing so that she won't have to work as much.

P stands by her desk decking the halls with cheap plastic garland. Her phone rings.
Marissa: P, your phone is ringing.
P: silence
Marissa: P! Your Phone is ringing!
P: humming carols
Marissa: walks over to P Your phone is ringing!
P: You can answer it if you want.
Marissa: But you're standing ri...
P: You know, you're allowed to answer my phone Marissa.
Marissa: You're standing right next to it!
the phone stops ringing

argh. My supervisor says it best..."P just needs to put that crack pipe down and walk away."

posted at 1:36 PM




Thoughts on The Job

1. Typing Obits- It's surreal when you open up the packet from Walker Funeral Services and a picture of someone you know is looking up at you. It didn't feel real, just another ad that passed through my hands. It makes me feel removed from a life outside these walls, a town we don't know because we're too busy writing about it. Life and death only happen so we can pay our bills.

2. Work Stations- I have graduated in life to cubicle status...or a third of a cubicle really. I employ the use of a schmancy G5 and have a phone with 8 lines and speaker capabilities AND I actually use both of these features (I've only used up to three lines at a time, any more than that and my brain would explode). On my third day here, someone asked when I was going to start the process of cubicle (cornericle?) decoration. I told her I had brought my coffee mug and that was most likely the extent of it. She seemed...non-plussed. The lady next to me, P, has decorated her space in a cat theme and has already put up garland and tinsel for christmas. I figure she's done enough for the both of us especially since her gigantic mutant house plants invade my minimalistic third-a-cubicle utopia.

3.Coworkers- My supervisor takes pleasure in telling people that they're on crack. All. the. time. i.e. "Kara DeAnn! You're on crack!" or "Chris must really be smokin a lot of crack today if he thinks we're going to do that!" She's saying it! She's saying it right now! Oh, I wish you could be here.

4. Advertising Crack Heads- 90% of the time, the declaration "*blank* is on crack!" is aimed at the advertizing crew. H likes to make them cry when she shoots down their pathetic requests. Then they stomp away in fits of silent rage only to come back in an hour and sheepishly apologize while staring at their shoes. It's fun to watch. We're mean to them because they need us like water (most of them are actually pretty cool but all are still subjected to accusations of heavy drug use. The company really needs to step up on their violating but oh so neccessary random drug screenings).

posted at 9:58 AM



[listening: noah and the whale]
[reading:life together]
[watching: weeds]
[project: stuff]

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