
Someone actually just said they had a "case of the Mondays." I love this place.

Over all I really enjoyed the Oscars last night. I loved Chris Rock as host (Jude Law is totally going to call him out). I loved that Tim Robbins can laugh at himself and Sean Penn still cannot laugh at anything. Tie for Best acceptance speech (there were a lot of good ones): Jamie Foxx and Charlie Kaufman.
A few complaints though:
1. Let the people on the stage! The academy deprived winners of the honor and opportunity to be in front of their colleagues and the whole world on the big stage. Standing in the aisle just isn't the same. Sure it saves time but I thought it was a bit insulting. This isn't a city hall meeting.
2. Ethnic group panning.
(during the acceptance speech for Best song)
Chris: Who's that again?
Me: That's Penelope Cruz. They're showing her because she's Hispanic.
3. The Counting Crows' harmonies seemed a bit... off (as did Adam's hair. Bill's observation that he looked like Sideshow Bob was, sadly, pretty accurate).
3. Dustin Hoffman. Drunk?
4. Beyonce.

posted at 11:33 AM




Read me!
You can't resist!

posted at 2:37 PM



A List
-Shaun & Kristi came over last night. We sat around the fire pit and they told tales of their adventures in a foreign land.

-It was confirmed (always suspected) that Keanu Reeves made a pact with the devil- soul bartered for career- and in exchange has to keep appearing in pseudo-Faustian spiritual flicks. His lack of soul explains his line delivery.

-It was discovered that She of the Stubby Legs and Slinky Body (Fiona) can easily jump on the kitchen table in a single bound. She does this for no reason other than she can.

-Fiona's new collar from George came yesterday and let me just say, she looks snappy. Quite the dapper pup. As soon as her new tag comes in from Earth Dog we'll do a full fashion spread. Fantastic!

-The "35 and Under" graphic is complete and waiting for approval. There are no references to coitus, drinking nor Julia Child but it is still sexy. I hope my demographic approves.

posted at 12:54 PM




Stupid Assignments
Latest assignment from the higherups, to quote from the memo: "To develop a graphic to be used with AP news and feature stories that are designated as of special interest to readers under 35. I think the graphic can be as simple as the words "Under 35" or "of special interest to readers under 35." Yeah that would be a gem. "Of course, you creative people can come up with something more interesting." Good Lord I should hope so.
Being that I'm the only designer here under 35 I get to pick this one up. Thanks old people... If anyone out there has any ideas that aren't lame (or that are lame, they seem to like that around here) feel free to give me some input. What would lead you to read a story?

posted at 2:35 PM



C'est lui pour moi/Moi pour lui dans la vie
Things stuck in my head right now at this very moment: The song "La Vie en Rose" and the word "curmudgeon." It's going to be a long day.

Chris and I celebrated our 2 year thing last thursday. Since it's only three days after the 14th, Valentine's Day is verboten. We have our own day thank you very much. Our "romance" is genuine and commemorates a concrete event in our lives. It actually... means something. And we're poor.
So the Chris sent me flowers at work and we fancied up for a night out on the town in OKC where we laid down half a paycheck on dinner alone. Good thing this only happens once a year.

Conversation on Monday night (A paraphrase):
Marissa: So what's the plan for Thursday?
Chris: I don't know. You want to go to The Metro?
Marissa: Ew Fancy, sounds good.
Chris: Why, what's on thursday?
Marissa: An anniversary.
Chris: An anniversary of what?
Marissa: The last time we went to The Metro.

Ha! We crack us up. So kudos to us, Christopher, you big curmudgeon. Kudos on this, our 1 year anniversary of our first time at The Metro (and two years together).

posted at 9:48 AM





posted at 5:14 PM




Marty's Last Night in Town
Yesterday you would've found a moving tribute to Marty in this space. In it you would've read how much we missed him already blah blah blah...your general "My friend is leaving town never to be seen again" pap. Well while writing said post, my phone starts a'buzzin and who could it be but Marty...stayin' till tomorrow morning because he just can't get enough of this crazy Shawnee action! When in doubt Marty, just remember these words of wisdom from the King of Pop and "Don't stop 'til you get enough."

This morning I was clockin in at 8 hours of overtime with the whole day ahead of me...it's a big money week.

posted at 12:45 PM




Hey Look!

This is Fiona... and she's my dog!

I will post more later. I promise. Really. I know postings are sparse but now that I've moved over to my real job they've actually been making me work at work. The gall! I posted more pics on Flickr so feel free to head that way (oh and sign up to comment...it's fun!).

posted at 11:23 AM




Please keep The Peercy clan in your prayers today.

posted at 9:15 AM



[listening: noah and the whale]
[reading:life together]
[watching: weeds]
[project: stuff]

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sept 8-12-- okdhs academy
sept 26-- kelsey's birthday
sept 28-- my birthday

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