
As part of the weekend's birthday festivities (psssst... my 25th birthday is tomorrow...), The Chris and I will be attending The Oklahoma Visual Arts Coalition's 12x12 Show.
You can come too! The show will be held at 410 Walnut Ave. in downtown OKC. Tickets are $24 in advance and $30 at the door. All proceeds will go to OVAC's many programs and grants that they offer to artists in Oklahoma (last year they raised $40,000). For more info visit OVAC online.

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posted at 4:19 PM



"Saying something like, "Is indie rock dead?" is useless because nothing is ever dead. Everything is alive to the people it matters to.

Does that mean culture is paying attention to it? That's a different question. But it's kind of an irrelevant question because if it's something that you have to pay attention to, for it to become "alive," then that's not what indie means."

-Kevin Smokeler, in an interview with CNN.com

CNN.com is currently running a series of special reports titled "Inside the Indie Scene". The series includes various spotlights on "indie" personalities (Grant McLennan, Sufjan Stevens, Garrison Keillor) and articles that question our very definition of the word (clue: it's a state of mind")... and, of course, there's always the ubiquitous "How indie are you?" quiz.
I'd imagine that the cable channel (CNN, without the ".com") has been broadcasting special reports as well.... but as you all know, if it's not on PBS I'm not watching it. Cause that's how indie I am. Suckas.

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posted at 3:10 PM



Gocco on Flickr! Created and posted by flickr member "holty"

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posted at 1:26 PM



(via inside a black apple) Visit Ashley (& Drew!) at kittygenius.com. Her pieces are gorgeous and I'm so glad to have discovered her work! I'll be keeping an eye on the etsy shop for more original work to be released (the last piece she posted was snatched up within minutes... I have such bad art buying luck).

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posted at 11:36 AM




Cruising Anthropologie.com so you don't have to... but you will anyway because it's siren song is inescapable. Oh cruel poverty!!

Of all the shoes on the site, the red ones are my favorite. Just in case you were curious.

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posted at 5:38 PM




posted at 12:42 PM




It's not too late to get in on the ground floor of the Wee Wonderfuls Make-a-Long.

The challenge to follow along with Hillay's fantastically awesome crafts just coudn't go ignored. So patterns were bought, fabrics were chosen, and the weekend was set aside for my first experiments in doll making. I would've posted the finished "Olive and Archie" dolls but there was a bit of a set back tonight. Turns out that Archie has a terrible case of "squid head". His unfortunate state will soon be corrected. Pictures tomorrow? Perhaps.

Much fabric was bought. Apologies to the lady at Hancocks, who was very pleasant despite the fact that I changed my mind about 27,000 times.

Olive and Archie are on their way!

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posted at 1:10 AM




You know what I'm craving today? A nice spinach salad. It's a cruel, cruel world.

Look at all these suckers

My dream of becoming the "best juror ever" was cut short this morning after being in the courthouse for a total of one hour and 15 minutes.

I knew that the jury duty elves were working against me from the beginning. While in line for the court clerk, I overheard the attorney for the defense talking to the DA, something about having "no witnesses, and no case"... ohhhhhh bad sign.

When we checked in, the court clerk divided us in half with red and blue badges. Within an hour there was a coin toss (no really...a literal coin toss) and all the red badges were told they could leave. Weeks of excitement and anticipation led up to this single moment, and my jury duty fate was left up to a coin toss? Bah!

I don't care how light your docket is, I had a full week of pay on the line that didn't require actual work! Give me charts to file, envelopes to stamp, I'll pick up your pretty robes from the dry cleaners... anything to keep me in that courthouse for longer than an hour and 15 minutes!

I didn't even get to watch the orientation video! I love orientation videos... in college I went through training at Denny's for the sole benefit of watching sensitivity videos while drinking free coffee. Best 5 hours of my life.

I won't complain too much though... $20 for less than two hours of work? I made more money as a juror than I do at the day job. How many people can say that? Suckas!

I was summoned to jury duty and all I got was this lousy button.

Hey marriage licenses. We're in there!

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posted at 3:17 PM




Hey Sports Racers! Today, we're going shoe shopping! Time to troll Zappos.com

1. PF Flyers- Number 5
2. Gravis- Misha
3. Irregular Choice- Darcy
4. Irregular Choice- Noughts & Crosses
5. Simple- Surf

1. PF Flyers- Lo-Fi
2. Palladium- Laren
3. Converse- Jack Purcell Dance Slipper
4. Matiko- Laura

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posted at 4:06 PM




From cnn.com
Angered Hussein: 'We will crush your heads'

"Congratulations! you are in a cage, Saddam," witness Ghafour Hassan Abdullah said as he stared at the ousted president. Hussein later lashed out at "agents of Iran and Zionism" in the courtroom and vowed to "crush your heads."

Mark McKinney shows Saddam how it's done.

That wacky guy. At least we know that, along with his Doritios, Saddam is allowed access to Kids in the Hall... See! We didn't just ratify the Geneva Convention...we hook our prisoners up!

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posted at 9:49 AM




I'm trying to ignore today's coverage as much as possible, but this AP photo is stunning.

A victim's young daughter during a moment of silence.

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posted at 9:42 AM



Top 5 reasons why I wish we had a dishwasher:
1. Raisin fingers
2. Cheese graters
3. Muffin tins
4. Colanders
5. Sharp knives

Today's in-law visit went well...or at least better than last time when I inadvertandly called Chris' mom "tacky" and felt like an idiot.

And now for aprons:
Chris and I went trolling for antiques last weekend and scored a new globe, an old step ladder...and these three vintage aprons! I especially enjoy the turquoise one with red trim. Neat!

On Saturday morning I actually did my house work in this get-up. Very Donna Reed. I should've pulled out my pearls and pumps but felt that was more fun than I could handle.

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posted at 12:45 AM




New kicks...fresh from ebay via Hong Kong. I love me some corduroy.

My first mother-in-law visit is tomorrow and I should be cleaning house...but instead I'm taking pictures of my shoes. I am the perfect picture of maturity.

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posted at 9:03 PM





posted at 11:18 AM




Labor Day...just...won't...die....

Okay, now it has. I'm done.
The final copy is at flickr. Download it at original size so you can make copies and pass it out to Starbucks workers and incite conflict in the workplace... be an organizer. Keep in mind that the poor thing was killed before the proofing process began so pass it out at your own risk.

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posted at 11:45 PM




Happy Labor Day

Last week I worked up this illustration of "The History of Labor Day" for a special section in our paper. Sadly the piece was nixed as it was viewed by our publisher to be a little too friendly to organized labor and "not the message that we want to send out". Well. Fair enough. The guy is from Michigan so I understand his distaste for unions but when I was told to illustrate the history of Labor Day I wish someone had told me to keep the Labor Movement out of it.
So here it is...my unpublished labor of love.

And the man just keeps knockin' us down.

Our big labor day plans involved furniture re-finishment (Is that a word. Spell check says no). Chris left me alone to finish the task as he's one of the few who actually has to work on this national day of rest* and it took about 20 minutes of my inexperience to royally mess it up. Here's a tip. Don't use a power sander on ancient unidentified paint after soaking the piece down with a hose. Our last piece of fine grit sandpaper is now completely gunked up with blue paint...which is surely lead based and now seeping into my pores as it's covering my hands as well. And Chris made it sound so easy! I'm supposed to be at Lowe's right now buying more stain for our night stand...but the way thing are going I think the world is safer if I just stay indoors.

*Why is it that the downtrodden masses who inspired this holiday are the only ones forced to work it today?

Time again to vote for your favorite Oklahoma bloggers---> 2006 Okie Blog Awards. The fact that I've been nominated for bugger all should be enough to legitimize this contest (no Emmy like snafus there). Maybe if I hadn't offended the entire population of Stroud I might've had a chance. Lincoln County has mad voter power.
My favorite pre-marital counselor, Tim Youmans at Anabaptist Monk, has been justly nominated again this year for Best Inspirational Blog. I've officially begun my campaign to see that he wins it big.

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posted at 5:17 PM




Green's Corner & a camera phone- Shawnee

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posted at 12:12 AM



[listening: noah and the whale]
[reading:life together]
[watching: weeds]
[project: stuff]

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sept 8-12-- okdhs academy
sept 26-- kelsey's birthday
sept 28-- my birthday

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