
A War on Christmas

So what's the deal with the Merry Christmas/ Happy Holidays thing? I remember this being an issue like 15 years ago. Is this just now getting to Oklahoma or is it suddenly a nationwide debate again? We never had Christmas plays or Nativities except at church growing up. We didn't have Christmas Break, we had Winter Break. Christmas didn't have any less meaning to us then it does to Oklahomans.
What's so terrible about wishing people Happy Holidays? Holiday literally means Holy Days and since so many religions have their holy days around this time, isn't it appropriate to share good wishes to all religions and not just ours? Not in a PC inclusive way but in a genuine showing of Christ-like respect towards others? Maybe it's not that big of a deal because this area is so predominately Christian so there's not many others around to get offended. In a setting where we know everyone else around us is Christian it's great to wish a Merry Christmas... but it seems pretty rude to me just to assume that everyone you come into daily contact with is Christian as well. Why exclude such large portions of our population from glad tidings?

I know people are getting pretty heated about this. Please share your thoughts cause I'm really curious.

posted at 11:33 AM




This one goes out to the one I love

...or Caitlin for reminding me that I'm a terrible, neglectful blogger.

When shopping for a wedding gown, be aware of your underwear choices. Like me... I chose my very best "never goes in the dryer" bra. Rest assured that it was exquisite but no details for you since sometimes my brother reads this. Shame on you.
Of all the women who saw me standing around in a full body blush that day, not a one saw my bra.

My Superman underoos, on the other hand, were seen by all. At least they were clean and provided quite the ice breaker as I stood in dressing room corners, arms strategically crossed. "My bra is really pretty though," I told them, "I promise. Wanna see?"
In other news: I have an intense desire to dip things in my coffee... not necessarily edible items either. It's seriously a conscious effort for me to keep the koosh ball away from the mug.

And I hate my job. But that's not news, is it?

posted at 10:37 AM




shhh..don't tell but if it starts to snow we get to go home early.


posted at 10:54 AM




Everytime someone says that I'm neglecting my blog it makes me feel sad inside. Then I click on my "Marty" link and it makes me feel better. October 16th is much more shameful than November 9th... especially since he actually has a readership.

I'm having a day...I will now go splurge on an oil change to perk myself up.

posted at 12:33 PM



[listening: noah and the whale]
[reading:life together]
[watching: weeds]
[project: stuff]

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sept 26-- kelsey's birthday
sept 28-- my birthday

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