
That's right baby! I'm back and better than ever! cough, cough. right. So back at school now...and with school comes meetings...like the housing one that starts in 5 minutes way on the other side of campus.
Have you emailed me in the last month? Have you glued my picture to a dart board and scratched out the eyes with a rusty blade because I have yet to reply? I will. I promise. I swear. And a legit posting will happen soon... really... but I don't feel like being pithy right now and I don't have time to be sincere so before I have to pay a fine (no kidding, we have fines for everything here) I must leave you again. Soon guys. Soon.

posted at 10:00 PM




The lack of postings this month can be attributed to AOL and their continuing mission to prove just how hard they can really suck an egg. Not only is this site verboten for "mature teens" everywhere, but both Blogger and, on alternating days, my email service are off limits as well. But hey, at least I've got electricity right?
I am trying to keep up with as many of you as possible though and I miss you all very much (sure, maybe a bit of a white lie but still mostly true).
What have I been up to you ask? Well right now I'm feeding reduced fat Nilla Wafers to my dog. Trust me...they're not fit for human consumption. Also... one for the record books here... nearly one month prior to my 22nd birthday I finally buckled down and took my drivers test....and passed thank you...So add that to the list of reasons why Marissa used to be lame but is no longer as much so. Was that last sentence too awkward? Nah, it is the last week of summer after all.

posted at 6:30 PM



[listening: noah and the whale]
[reading:life together]
[watching: weeds]
[project: stuff]

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sept 8-12-- okdhs academy
sept 26-- kelsey's birthday
sept 28-- my birthday

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