
Back at school now so normal postings may resume...although I usually don't post more than twice a week anyway so why even mention it. Spring break was great mellow fun with the family...much sleep was caught up on. Oh and because I know you're all concerned..I had no cavities.
So I guess it's assumed, now that I'm a flaming liberal, that I'll say something about the war. I have this to say and that's it. Like many others who protested the war, since the conflict began I am in support of our troops and our government. Regardless of whether or not I have full confidence in our reasons for being in Iraq, we are there and I feel we as Americans need to show our support. Hopefully this whole bloody mess will be dealt with swiftly so that the world may return to peace.
That's it...that's all there is left to say I think. Although I give no guarantee that the subject will never again come up on this page.

posted at 1:32 PM




It's spring break time which means rare if any postings for the next week... and oh what an exciting and eventful spring break it is too! I went to Target yesterday...that was a definite highlight...and tomorrow morning I have a dentist appointment! Who says Broken Arrow isn't as exciting as Padr� or South Beach? Bah!
and by the way...Thanks to Kevin at The Homeless Guy for the link.

posted at 12:20 AM




It's a gorgeous day today...I wish I were the athletic type, then I'd go outside and play ultimate frisbee or flag football or other outdoor activities that such people do when there's sunshine about. We have a swingset behind the dorm but I'd never stoop to using it before the veil of sundown....it's no fun being "above" swinging... I wish my bike were fixed...I wish I'd just go outside and quit whining.

posted at 4:48 PM




If I knew that stating my personal opinion would get me into so much trouble I would've kept it to myself like the Department of Homeland Security wants. See the comment to my March 8th post as well as at Dave's site .
"Nonsensical liberal rhetoric"... I've never claimed that people who are pro-war are only stating conservative rightwing rhetoric. What's the deal guys? Why are conservatives so mean? And for the record, while I might be more liberal than Pat Buchanan I'm hardly the biggest Democrat on the block. I'm pretty much straight down the middle independant although I'm not sure why my political leanings should factor into the fact that I think a war with Iraq at this time is just plain wrong. I also never claimed Bush was an absolute monarch and if you'll look at Jay's paper, he states that, although these types of actions are most often displayed by absolute monarchs, democratic leaders can also fall prey to poor foreign policy decisions if left unchecked.
Do you truly believe that we're doing the right thing? In your heart of hearts, if you ignore your particular party loyalties or personal ideologies, do you think this is a good idea? If so then way to go, back the president and support the war whole heartedly. That's your view and your opinion. Me? I have a very bad feeling about all this.

Mr. Bush...you had my support for so long. I stayed up all night on the eve of your almost election to root you on. I praised your response to September 11th and was proud of your statement after the Columbia disaster. I defended you to those that would question your integrity or intelligence. I was happy to see a Christian leader in the White House, a man who truly seemed to stand behind his faith and didn't just claim religion for votes. I was fully behind your war against "terra." But alas sir, no disrespect meant, I'm against your war. We are the instigator. For now we are the imminent threat. This is not a justifiable war.
...but then that's my opinion on things and you, of course, are intitled to your own.
P.S. As infantile as it may seem, I will continue to call Dubya "George Bush, Texas Ranger." Partly because I don't think he would be entirely displeased by that title and partly because it just amuses me ok? And really guys, how mature is it to call the French Cheese Eating Surrender Monkeys? I mean really...the hypocrisy abounds if you pay attention to it. Alright, my curry is getting cold...I'm leaving now.

posted at 6:28 PM




Brief update...I'm out of Apple Jacks...argh.

posted at 7:46 PM



In response to a friend's rather blatently bitter asault on my post that we should not go to war I'll let John Jay speak for me since my opinion evidently is for naught.
It is too true, however disgraceful to human nature, that nations in general will make war whenever they have a prospect of getting anything by it; nay, that absolute monarchs will often make war when their nations are to get nothing by it, but for purposes and objects merely personal, such as a thirst for military glory, revenge for personal affronts, ambition, or private compacts to aggrandize or support their particular families or partisans. These and a variety of other motives, which affect only the mind of the sovereign, often lead him to engage in wars not sanctioned by justice or the voice and interests of his people. But, independent of these inducements to war, which are most prevelant in absolute monarchies, but which well deserve our attention, there are others which affect nations as often as kings; and some of them will on examination be found to grow out of our relevent situation and circumstances.
-John Jay, The Federalist Papers, 1787
For the record, I don't think that becuase I am personally against the war that I should be labeled "left minded" or that my opinion is strictly "fashionable," and I really can't remember the last time I called people who happened to be pro-war "hatemongers, killers or fascists"...but maybe that was in reference to all the other unpatriotic pacifist hippies. hm.
Thus to my good friend I say "Bah!" and I emailed you a week ago with nare a reply so I don't want to hear about this whole loss of contact thing being my fault...so there. nah.

On a lighter note I just got in from Tulsa from seeing my little brother knock 'em dead as Seymore in his high school's production of "Little Shop of Horrors." The girls swooned, the boys wrote his name on their chests...I was one proud sister indeed. You'll see his name in lights someday and I'll be right there to say that I taught him all he knows.

posted at 6:19 PM




I've been homesick something aweful lately...maybe it's the crazy 70 degrees one day, 26 the next, weather...or the flatness... or the lack of a decent music scene...or the lack of ideological diveristy. Whatever the reason is, I miss Eugene. It's been two and a half years since I left Oregon for OBU and I'm definitely starting to feel it. There are never any good anarchist riots down here and finding sushi of the non grocery store variety, or even a bagel for that matter, is like finding the Lost City of Gold. I'm tired of receiving my meals doused in gravy. I'm tired of...well...Oklahoma. For those lucky enough to be where I'm not, here's a BootsnAll.com guide to the culture and happenings of Eugene. Ah the memories...

posted at 6:59 PM




So changes....yes there have been a many. To stop blogging however was not on the list of things to change...it just sort of happened. I will remedy that of course. I knew you worried but..have no fear! Other things weren't planned either...although everyone seemed to know it but me...those things just sort of happened as well. But I'm strangely happy about the whole situation as unexpected as it was. So there ya go. Crypticly vague enough for ya? Yeah that was the intention.
I cut my hair off... two inchs above the shoulder...swings and flops around and other such fun.
Haven't been able to sleep much lately...and you'd think now that we're back down to terror alert level yellow I'd sleep like a baby. Does it seem strange to anyone else that Bush refuses to debate Saddam? What is he so afraid of...is it that America would discover that Iraq wants to avoid war just as much as the rest of us? Is it strange that Saddam, not to mention the rest of the world, seems to be doing pretty much all he can to avoid war and we won't let him? Poor Bush...I wonder if he regrets getting so carried away...it's as if his little boy pride won't let him back down now so he has to take it all the way even though he knows that he's had it all wrong from the beginning. Yay for the downfall of Western Civilization: the American version. Is it to late to claim I'm Canadian?

posted at 10:08 AM



[listening: noah and the whale]
[reading:life together]
[watching: weeds]
[project: stuff]

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