
oh.my.lord. After two weeks wrestling with the alignment, text and margins of the stupid Much Ado program its finally done and at the copy center. pshew. Who could have known that a simple little triple fold would turn into my worst nightmare. So design for Much Ado is finally completely over...good thing too, considering the show goes up tomorrow night :P

Happy Halloween by the way. Supposedly Chris and the boys are having a "party" tonight which is evidently Eric's way of saying "let's all get dressed up and go out to eat at IHOP." Fun times for all.

posted at 2:56 PM




Because in my delusional state it seemed like a good idea at the time:
"This is my new blogchalk:
United States, Oklahoma, Shawnee, Oklahoma Baptist University, English, French, Marissa, Female, 21-25, Art, Music,Theatre."

posted at 9:20 PM



If you were my stomach, and you were starving, would you eat yourself? Evidently the answer is yes or at least that's what it feels like. If it weren't for the to-go bags from the caffeteria I swear I would never eat but even so there's only so much nutritional value that can be found in white and yellow salads. I had a nice long post all ready to go but it's very hard to hear myself think over the churning of my own stomich acids. hmmm...I wonder if Chris is up for a Taco Mayo run...hmmm indeed.

posted at 8:19 PM




I finished my observations at Shawnee High School yesterday and I have to admit that I'll miss it. As much of a hassle as it was to get over there it was a great experience and some of the kids were pretty alright. And really, who would want to give up the joy of reliving your high school experience? Oh right...just about everyone. Once I got over the initial trauma of walking back through (i.e. pushing my way through) lockered halls, it was interesting to see how it really was from the other side. It gave me a whole now outlook on how teachers view their students. Remember back in the day when you fed your teacher some lame excuse and then were so proud of how you pulled the wool over their eyes...yeah they saw right through it but just didn't feel like listening to you whine.

posted at 4:57 PM




Monday morning...today in math class we talked about adding and subtracting in bases other than ten. The professor also warned us that there would be some arithmatic and even multiplication on the next test so we should make sure we're comfortable with them. Man it's nice to be in the 5th grade again. I wish I were back in Houston.

Remind me to go to the Pedro the Lion show in Norman on November 17th. I always plan on going to these great shows and then forget about them until a week after they've already happened. I saw Waterdeep for the first time while I was in Houston and they were incredible. Check them out if you get the chance.

posted at 10:43 AM




Happy Birthday to Dave who turned 22 today! Congratulations Dave, you have now become a man. Now you may begin to experience many changes such as ...oh wait, I guess that already happened...
Poor guy spent his whole day grading papers and being held down by the man...

So yes, another eventful monday shifting from one job to the next. I have no complaints about my job at the art building though which essentially constitutes sitting around rockin out to the Paul Simon, drinking tea and using the internet...which is pretty much exactly what I'm doing right now. Whew I think it's time for a break.

posted at 8:08 PM




Out of boredom and desire I pierced my ear last night. Just my lobe...a pansy thing to do...but I've always wanted multiple holes in my lobes and never actually got them done so there ya go. That and I'm a bit nervous about doing cartalage piercings at home...which didn't stop me when I pierced my nose last year but oh well. I love self-piercing...man that sounds so cliche...there's something about controlled pain though that's really attractive to me. The first pop of skin being breeched by the needle, the first drop of blood dripping off the stud. ( Wow...how much like a Live Journal using, angst ridden, teenage goth girl can I possibly sound?) Good thing I'm a good conservative girl who cares about the judgement of others, otherwise you wouldn't be able to see my face through the barbells.

All my room mates are gone this weekend and Chris' girl is in town so that makes for me all alone in my room with nothing to do and loving it. Nothing to do, that is, besides mix tapes, reading, and semi-sanitary bodily piercings. I had forgotten how much I love solitude.

posted at 12:37 PM




Ben Folds Live is out today! They even went all out and redesigned the Ben Folds site...now if I just had the money to buy it.

posted at 8:41 PM



Nothing much to say...stressed out...spread to thin...overburdened...but not so much that I didn't have time to add comments! whoa boy that's neat! I think I'm going loopy off of too little sleep and too much time around print making chemicals.

posted at 6:01 PM




Last night: Moving of fiberglass, no masks, itchy faces, scratched arms, dust everywhere. Taco Mayo, home, stubborn indecisiveness, solitaire, sat around, ceiling tiles, me: ticked, him: jerkface. Heather, downtown, unexpected appearance of old friends, lazer tag with Boys and Girls club. Home, porch, lot's of Sigmas, sulky friend, went to bed. Rainbow, chili omelettes, uncooked chicken, waitress with bronchitis. Home, sleep.
Not as much fun as the night before when we set furniture and socks on fire, but better than sitting at home on a saturday night. My face still stings from the fiberglass though. Is that a bad thing?

posted at 3:14 PM




Finished the Much Ado About Nothing poster last night. Just need to get it appoved, then it goes to the printer and I'm on to the pograms...woowoo as the Dave would say.

posted at 7:16 PM




Chris just called...knocks me out of my funk. I think it's funny that people call the art building looking for me as if I live here.

posted at 11:24 PM



I'm sitting in the art building at 11 pm and for some reason I can't bring mysef to leave. I'm just sitting here, waiting. Two hours have passed since I quit getting paid for being here.

I don't want to go home tonight. I want to go out , go to Chris' house, sit at a table at the Rainbow until the sun rises and it's time again to go to class. I've developed such a tight schedule of where I'm supposed to be and what I'm supposed to be doing that when my day is over I don't know what to do with myself. Sleep seems like such a waste of precious time...time I could use to finish art projects, build web pages or spend time with friends that I get to see so rarely these days.

I miss the park and long hours spent on dorm porches. I miss hats and pillows and inside jokes. I hate phone cards and the automated voices that dictate when your call is over. I hate being 8 hours away from where I know I should be. Two more years of this...sigh....

It's not so much about being a "girl" either. I have my own identity, my own life, and part of me even enjoys being apart. It gives me free time and space to fill with work and school instead of "us time." It allows me to get to know myself better in his absence while still feeling "secure" knowing that I still have someone who loves me and is there for me. Even so, on nights like this, I wish more than anything to have him back here with me.

Last year, without fail, he would pick me up whenever I was working late. I can almost hear his old defeated car in the drive, his knock on the door and his shuffle on the cold tile floors. Maybe that's what I'm waiting for.

posted at 11:23 PM



[listening: noah and the whale]
[reading:life together]
[watching: weeds]
[project: stuff]

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sept 26-- kelsey's birthday
sept 28-- my birthday

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