
Confession time... I'm getting a little bit excited... but don't tell! I don't want to jinx it. I have a song and it goes like this, "New house, new house! LALALALA!" It's very annoying. I'm quite proud of it.

If all goes according to plan, we close on Thursday. And then? Well, I guess we'll eventually move in. Next week I'm taking a bit of vacation to start packing and job hunting. You'd think that with only two people in our tiny 725 sq. ft. house, it would be a cinch to move. Wrong. We have so much stuff that sometimes it feels like we live in a storage unit... one of those plush units with temperature control... but still. I have a LOT of work ahead of me.

Here's a link to our new neighborhood Brady Heights. It is the awesome.

I've also begun a little bit of planning for the great amount of cosmetic remodeling the house will require. So, without further stalling... here is the very first picture from the new house to appear on the blog! Woohoo!

We'll start out small. Behind the dining room there is a second living area without much purpose. Chris and I have dubbed it "The Mystery Room". Since there is already a breakfast nook off the kitchen and we'll be using the third bedroom as a joint studio, most likely we'll be using the Mystery Room as a study. The space has a half bath attached to it as well as a door to the outside. Because of its lack of purpose and distance from the front door, as well as it's current status as the ugliest room in the house, we've decided to start our renovations here. Paint stripping will come first and hopefully the wood underneath will be gorgeous after a little staining. Add some Orla Keily wallpaper from Anthropologie, some paint, a fixture from Schoolhouse Electric ...and we're all set! I hope you guys enjoy my Photoshop mastery. If you have any advice or suggestions, let me know.

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posted at 12:05 PM





posted at 2:29 PM




Thanks for the reassurances on our house situation but OH MY LORD if you guys knew what the seller (Wells Fargo Bank of the Devil) has put us through, you'd be hesitant too. I won't be popping corks of any kind until the day of closing... and even then I'll still probably be a little nervous about it. Of course that hasn't stopped me from making an insanely long wish list over at boxedup.com. I'm going to be pretty disappointed when I finally realize that I'm poor. But, for right now at least, denial is fun!

I bet you've been wondering what kind of impulsive ebay purchases I've been making for the new house this week. Wonder no more!

1. "Composition Head Cloth Doll in Polish Costume 1950s-60s"- The fabric on her dress ordered me to buy her for the guestroom.
2. "ADVERTISING BLANKET 5 CENT HAMBURGER SODA VINTAGE" -An advertising blanket!? Um, yes please!
3. "1972 SHIRLEY CHISHOLM FOR PRESIDENT BUTTONS" - Before Barack or Hillary, there was Shirley! I'll be framing these to hang... somewhere...
4."vintage 1940s WITNEY REGULUS Wool Blanket 68x96 ENGLAND"- Bedspread for the guest bedroom. Luckily it matches well with the polish doll.

Trust me when I say my ebaying could've turned out a lot worse. I wish someone would have told me how expensive a Saarinen tulip table would be BEFORE I made up my mind that my breakfast room just won't be complete without it. I blame the Domino Magazine pool on flickr. Specifically, this photo right here...

new dining room table
Originally uploaded by kitchen_gnome

House inspection on Monday! Wish us luck!

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posted at 10:47 PM




Our offer has been accepted and contracts have been signed... please someone tell me when I can start getting excited :P


posted at 11:06 AM



[listening: noah and the whale]
[reading:life together]
[watching: weeds]
[project: stuff]

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