
Celebrate Earth Day...Plant a Sean! Happy Birthday!

(One good thing about my job....the endless supply of cheesy clipart)

posted at 11:48 AM




Let's say you work at a hypothetical news-paper. You have found a folder on your company's server that, let's say, belongs to the guys in the sports department. It is labeled "Potential Sports Employees" and is filled with pictures of women in less than discreet positions wearing less than the socially acceptable amount of clothing. Let's also assume that the entire staff was just chastised by the publisher about the amount of worthless stuff taking up space on the server and your department doesn't have room for things you really need. What do you do? Well, I say take some screen shots and turn them in to corporate not just because it's crass and a poor use of company resources but on the basis that they have poor taste in women (Tara Reid? Common guys! Excuse me while I go gouge out my mind's eye. And let me just say that the blown up pictures you have of Janet Jackson's exposed nipple are just gross. I appreciate images of the female body as much as the next gal, for it is a beautiful thing, but that's just gross. Her breast looks like it's been deflated by the strange robotic creature that's attached to her nipple. Very Sci-Fi Channel meets Cinemax. Classy. But I digress.). Also the sports writers have a propensity for burning popcorn in the microwave near my desk. I say hang 'em. No seriously, what would you do?

posted at 9:55 AM




A Moment of Quiet
Originally uploaded by feelingismutual.
Okay. I Totally lied.

I just put a few pictures of Fiona on Flickr. Just a few. I promise. Look at her though...how could I resist.

posted at 2:09 PM




Guitar Lessons
Originally uploaded by feelingismutual.
New Pics on Flickr

New photos...Fun Faces...No pictures of my dog. Rock.

posted at 5:10 PM




Shamefully Addicted to Local News

Heck yes this guy is fantastic. Check it out now (funk soul brother)...as long as you don't mind a little language and a little harmless disrespect aimed towards the local media and their public (who are all drooling idiots anyway, so who cares right?).
I've been spooked by our Ogle dominated news for a long time now and this is the first guy I've come across who even mentions them...much less calls them OgleSpawn which made my face contort in very amusing ways as I tried to stiffle laughter at the office....the rest of the metro area has been brain washed by their Super OgleSpawn Mind Control (TM).

By the way...have you seen"The Office" yet? Funny because it's true and I think I work there. Every month we receive our special pacifying surprise ice cream bars. True, none of us have seen a raise in years and we average 5 hours of overtime every pay period....but boy those ice cream bars sure brighten up our incredibly long work day.
Anyway...The Office. Good Show. Tueday nights on NBC are a little slice of heaven now. Scrubs, The Office and SVU sandwiched between to Ogleicious news broadcasts... I can't remember the last time I sat on my couch for so long.

posted at 11:55 AM




I took my pasty white legs out in public yesterday. I'm so adventurous. I refuse to use self tanners out of principle (well mainly fear...cause man those can look bad) but it sure is tempting when it looks like I have on white tights.

I'm feeling inspired again so of course I have about 50 projects going on at once. If I ever promised you anything (t-shirts, paintings, etc.) now is definitely the time to remind me. I've been so crafty lately that I even signed up for a couple of swaps at Craftster. I've been wanting to participate for a long time but was always afraid I wouldn't be able to think of anything good enough before the deadline and my partners would put me to shame. It took a very special Law & Order inspired swap to break me out of my shell and now I'm actually having a hard time trying to narrow all my ideas to just three projects. Of course my ideas are mostly of the "that seemed like such a good idea last night when I was half drunk on cough medicine" variety but surely at least three will pan out. Two of the projects are already done...I'll post pictures when the swap is over.

Mr. Marty Peercy:

Package ready to send. stop Unsure of current housing arrangement.stop Is address still valid, secure?stop Please reply.stop Becoming aware of the possibility of the search.stop

posted at 11:15 AM



[listening: noah and the whale]
[reading:life together]
[watching: weeds]
[project: stuff]

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sept 8-12-- okdhs academy
sept 26-- kelsey's birthday
sept 28-- my birthday

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