
Guess what I did this weekend? Recovered my dining room chairs!
We picked them up at a thrift store about 6 months ago with every intention of recovering them nigh immediately... but, as my kindergarten progress report noted, I work at my own pace.

I'm not blame throwing or anything here, but things move a lot more slowly since Chris is just as opinionated as I am about Every. Single. Thing. WEEKS were spent going back and forth on the font for our wedding invitations, and each step taken in the house is even more of a struggle. FINALLY we agreed on a fabric and I think they look pret-ty good, if I do say so myself. If you're interested, the winning fabric was Etsuko Furuya's Echino - Bird and Flower in khaki.

So yes, chairs recovered. I no longer have to awkwardly explain the weird, faded out pastel jungle tapestry that we replaced. Maybe next year the chairs will even be refinished!

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posted at 10:38 PM




I have just a bit of a problem when it comes to Craigslist. I may only find something I need once every six months, but I promise it's not for lack of trying. It's just not a successful day unless I've checked the furniture section at least three times (and also Missed Connections... I've never claimed to be classy). So now you know I'm a little bit of a craigslist expert who's seen many things in my day, and you can believe me when I say that it is rare to find something as fantastically ROCK HARD AWESOME as what I am about to show you now.

What is it, you say? Is it a fireplace? Is it a totally rad home stereo system? It is both! This beauty features an 8 track player, turntable, electric lighted log, AND a rotating wine rack. Giggity giggity.


posted at 9:06 PM




Obama Buttons
Originally uploaded by feelingismutual

posted at 9:13 PM



Mt Zion Baptist Church
Originally uploaded by feelingismutual

posted at 9:05 PM



Mt Zion Baptist Church
Originally uploaded by feelingismutual

posted at 9:05 PM



Mt Zion Baptist Church
Originally uploaded by feelingismutual

posted at 9:05 PM



Originally uploaded by feelingismutual

posted at 9:04 PM



Election Day
Originally uploaded by feelingismutual

posted at 9:03 PM



[listening: noah and the whale]
[reading:life together]
[watching: weeds]
[project: stuff]

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