
Hey! Check it out!

posted at 12:34 PM




'Cause everyone knows now, that every night now
Will be P's last night in town

P took it pretty well...which is good for her but a lot less interesting for me. There were a lot of tears but that was it. You know that commercial where management keeps firing that guy but, golly, he just loves his Raison Bran so much that he never notices? It's a little like that...she shows up about once a day, dragging out the move as long as possible- and for her it really is like moving out. We should have rented her a U-Haul as her parting gift. So she just stands there by our desks with yet another plant in her arms from her dwindling jungle. Does she expect us to jump up with hugs and how-are-yous every flippin' time she comes down here? So she whispers and stands...and stands...and stands...and we answer our phones and she stands in awkward silence waiting for us to hang up, stinking of a thousand Avon products, until she finally silently walks away. "We felt very strange/ In the moment, but the moment was passed/And forgotten about"

It's the saddest thing I've ever seen.

posted at 11:56 AM




Now the Man's Come to Take her Downstairs

Today's the big day...I know she's going to come back tomorrow with a sawed off shotgun and shoot us all. I've looked around for escape routes and have conceded that I'm as good as dead so just pray that she's not a good shot (we know her hearing is gone...hopefully her vision is on its way out too).
Revenue is down (big surprise there) so every department has to make a cut and how do you say "Sorry Crazy P, I know you have seniority and you're really counting on that health insurance but you're our 2%." You know what she's going to do? The same thing she does when R leaves her a note but on a larger scale. Imagine the worst fit a five year old can throw-complete with slamming, crumpling, tears and "whatevers"-performed by a woman in her late 40's. I think many ceramic cats will lose their lives on this day.
We've all known for a week and a half that today was the day but the Powers That Be decided they didn't want to ruin her vacation (nevermind that she could have used that time to find a new job instead of batting at catnip or whatever she does with her free time).
And here she is telling us about her vacation and her new kittens and she's all "were you alright without me?" and I'm sick to my stomach trying to be extra friendly. A smile on my face, a listening ear and all I want to do is yell "Run P! Run as fast as you can and take your insurance with you!"

posted at 8:53 AM



[listening: noah and the whale]
[reading:life together]
[watching: weeds]
[project: stuff]

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