
So yes finals are over...and yes I should be posting now especially since I have so much free time that I don't know what to do with it all. Alas, my parents still use dial-up AOL so it takes an incredible amount of motivation just to think about getting online. Remember when the internet used to be fun? Remember when it wasn't a chore? Oh right, that was only a week ago. Ah ethernet...how I took your ease and speed for granted.
(Speaking of...you know those commercials for high speed internet? The ones that always end with some grinning chick saying how "fast and easy" her new service is? Does anyone out there have the undeniable urge to yell "like your mom!" to the TV? Every single time? Even when no one else is there? ...I have problems.)

posted at 1:29 AM




This week's lack of posting is brought to you by finals week.
Three paintings in two nights...this could be a new record. It's amazing how productive I am when forced to be so. We're taking photos of our pieces tomorrow in class so there could be new stuff for my portfolio soon.

posted at 2:48 AM




I havent slept, I have two illustrations due for the paper at 6 and the vending machine in the art building is out of Mountain Dew...what else could go wrong today?!

Chris' only night off last week was friday, so for days friday night was reserved as X2: United day.
(Little known "Marissa is a geek" fact: All through middle school and most of high school I was an avid X Men fan. Who knows how many thousands of dollars went into my monthly habit. To this day, my vast array of useless facts and anecdotes surrounding said super-hero team astound my male friends on a consistant basis. Their reactions range anywhere from instant adoration to being completely repulsed by the abomination that is the "female comic geek".)

Anyway...back to friday night. Needless to say, nothing could stop us from seeing this movie short of familial deaths or acts of God. Ha! After waiting 15 minutes in queue, finding the optimal seating in the middle of the theatre, and sitting through an additional 20 minutes of ads and previews, the movie extravaganza of the summer (or at least until The Matrix is released) began. And let me tell you...the first two minutes were amazing...and the first two minutes were all we saw before the aforementioned act of God struck. I hate tornados.

The next 45 minutes were spent in a safe room filled with crying children and an army of power tripping 17 year old AMC employees. I guess there's always next weekend.

posted at 4:32 PM




And it's yet another sleepless night...It's funny how long it takes me to get started on a paper and how little time it actually takes me to write it once I start. So it's 7:30 am now...I started writing at around 6...I'll probably get done in about a half hour. So why didn't I start at 11? I could've been in bed by 1 at the latest. But where's the fun in that? Besides, when I sleep at night I miss the sunrise.

What have I been doing all night, you ask? Well among other things I finally set up my online portfolio. So see, I have been productive! Just not in any ways that my professors would care about. sigh.

posted at 7:44 AM




More proof that I'm never happy with anything for long...yet another new site design. Any thoughts?

posted at 10:37 PM




ahhhhhhh...yay for antibiotics....
I spent literally three hours at the clinic on friday but man it was worth it. Two shots in the hip and I already feel a million times better...placebo effect? perhaps but I don't care. Now I've got pills up to my forehead and a cough syrup that could inebriate a cow...good times in store for me I tell you what.

posted at 6:32 PM




And....AND AB is back!! For good this time maybe....Although sometime during his hiatus he seems to have lost the Asian part of him and is now solely a bastard....must have been some kind of freak accident. Go over and bask in B's return.

posted at 8:32 PM



This week I've been playing the fun game of "How-many-days-will-Marissa-cough-things-up-and-run-a-fever-before-going-to-the-doctor?" Don't let the ungodly long title scare you off, for even though the only prize offered is a bulk size box of industrial strength kleenex (with lotion of course) the game is oh so much fun! And the answer to the question is...8 days...8 days of doctor avoidance my friends. So my dad, with his infinite doctoring connections, recommended this guy in town to me. His name? Dr. Butcher. Oh yes am I ever excited!

posted at 8:25 PM



[listening: noah and the whale]
[reading:life together]
[watching: weeds]
[project: stuff]

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sept 8-12-- okdhs academy
sept 26-- kelsey's birthday
sept 28-- my birthday

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