
Depressing that Kevindidn't find About a Boy to his liking. From the sound of it I won't either. But with a Nick Hornby book as a source and a soundtrack by Badly Drawn Boy, it would be hard to go wrong, even if it wasn't faithful to the text.

Speaking of gorgious books turned into movies....Kavalier and Clay! Rock on boys and girls...rock on.

posted at 1:29 PM




Let the end-of-the-novel depression begin.
I finished Everything is illuminated by Jonathan Safran Foer tonight. It was funny, profound, and touching ...in a good way and not in a Lifetime TV movie way. High recommendation all around.
Visit Jonathan's site the Project Museum.

posted at 12:32 AM




What happened to Bryan? Where did he go? How dare he leave the web without explaining his actions. Come back AB...rereading archives only lasts so long.

posted at 2:26 PM




Ah the care free days of summer...What ever happened to those? I'm working two jobs now plus school...and sleep...cause I like to sleep. As of tomorrow the summer session is half way over...and OBU has already sent me a bill for over $9,000. Thanks guys.

My second job is working as a waitress at a local mom and pop Italian reastaurant...except instead of a mom and pop it's two brothers in their twenties. One of them is actually from my old neighborhood in Brooklyn so hey that's exciting right? Go Bensonhurst pride! woowoo. Right. anyway. The guys are fun, the money is good and the occupational hazards are minimal (not counting the blister on my thumb...watch out for the manicotti dishes).

and did I mention the cheerleaders?

This week is junior high cheerleading camp at our lovely campus and you know what that means, even more bullhorns! It does provide for a new twist on the the "hey-stupid-campers-get-out-of-the-way" game...plow through'em before they even see you coming. Oh and 200 extra bonus points if she's holding pom-poms...they're so rare these days.

posted at 4:20 PM




Things are deffinatly picking up around here. Between being entertained by roomates' attempts at Tiebo, dodging flying Mc Donalds cups and sitting around outside watching the summer campers drive by in golf carts, it's an incredibly exciting summer.

Have I mentioned the campers?
They're outside milling around as I speak, the bunch of hooligans. For the nest two weeks OBU is hosting 5,000 kids for Supper Summer, a summer camp "experience" for high school youth groups. From what I can tell, the premise of the camp is to get closer to God through the use of airhorns and shouting. Make a joyful noise eh? Hopefully God enjoys it more than we do, cause yeah...we don't at all.

On the way to work I enjoy playing a fun game called "hey-stupid-campers-get-out-of-the-way." The object of the game is to ride for as long as one can on the actual sidewalks without breaking speed. Points are deducted if speed is reduced or if the player has to move to the grass in order to get around the brightly colored, giggling obsticles. Points are awarded for various acomplishments:

5 points if the campers acknowledge your presence but continue to take up the entire sidewalk
10 points if they introduce themselves and the color of their "team" but continue to take up the entire sidewalk

25 points
if your yelling actually insights them to move from the sidewalk
50 points for getting so frustrated that you plow over them
100 bonus pointsif one of them is holding an airhorn.

I'm going home now...I've been in the library much to long.

posted at 5:34 PM




Welcome to the Summer of responisbility!

After a week in Houston chillin with the Dave and his "fam", it's back to work. I'm taking a class this summer and I now have the full load of OBU's notorious tuition strapped to my back. So I am out in the pseudo real world now...on my own...all by myself...sniff...

I know that this is always where I've wanted to be...but to be suddenly thrust out on my own is kind of unnerving. I'm working in the serials & gov't. documents section of the library and am still looking for another job for the evenings and weekends because there's no way I can get OBU off my bum with 15 hrs a week. The sudden lowering of job standards is actually making me consider Pratt's and the school's caffeteria as options for employment.

Strangely enough, things aren't that stressful. I'm living in an aparment with two of the coolest girls in Shawnee (I'd say three of the coolest, but one of them isn't around much). I've been keepin on top of my classes, the dishes, and my bed time which is resting steadily somewhere around 1 am everynight. Yesterday I was cleaning exploded Spagghetti-os off my microwave in my very own kitchen and it was hard not to think that life is truly good...

gratuitous girl moment---> of course it'd be easier to believe that if Dave wasn't living 7 hours away...sigh

posted at 2:15 PM



[listening: noah and the whale]
[reading:life together]
[watching: weeds]
[project: stuff]

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