
Ahhh... There are many reasons why today is fantastic– not the least of which was this email that greeted me when I came in to work his morning:

Senator Barack Obama has announced that he has filed papers today to create a presidential exploratory committee. Exploration is good, but I'm a little concerned that an official bid for 2008 may be premature. Sen. Obama will be a wonderful president someday (see that? positive thinking) but he needs to be in the national spotlight a little longer in order to prove his worth to the entire country. As much as he is loved by his constituents and ardent fans, I'm so afraid that his flame will die if he tries to run too soon. He's too much of a talent to become another Howard Dean.

So far, the only negativity I've heard (that doesn't originate from hype-apprehension) are the very clever rhymes associating his name with that of Osama bin Laden. And have you heard? Barack Obama's middle name is Hussein? Well! We can't have that! So unless something earth shattering is revealed, Obama seems pretty safe from controversy and scandal.

On February 10th, Sen. Obama will announce his official plans. If his decision is to run in 2008 I will do everything I can to do my part in working towards his election. Dude, just call on me. I am a canvassing, button wearing fool!

Here's a little excerpt from my "very exclusive" email:

As you may know, over the last few months I have been thinking hard about my plans for 2008. Running for the presidency is a profound decision - a decision no one should make on the basis of media hype or personal ambition alone - and so before I committed myself and my family to this race, I wanted to be sure that this was right for us and, more importantly, right for the country.

I certainly didn't expect to find myself in this position a year ago. But as I've spoken to many of you in my travels across the states these past months; as I've read your emails and read your letters; I've been struck by how hungry we all are for a different kind of politics.

See Sen. Obama's Official Site for more information.

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posted at 2:40 PM




As previously stated, it is FREEZING in Oklahoma this weekend. No really... there is literally a sheet of ice blanketing the entire world. I haven't been able to feel my big toe since Friday morning. Sometimes it's nice to be forced indoors all weekend. I drank three pots of coffee a day and got a lot of sewing done. Yay for manic, caffeine enduced creativity.
This doll was made using the Purl Rabbit Pattern that is very generously posted free of charge on The Purl Bee blog. As you can probably tell. I modified it a bit (lack of being a rabbit, for one).

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posted at 4:39 PM



First they take my dog food and now my pomegranate juice?! Is nothing sacred?!

I can't think of any real reason why animals need to be anywhere near my pomegranate juice, much less die for it. It seems like companies are really going out of their way to figure out how to torture animals. The experimentation Pom is conducting is so bizarre and needless.
Next I'll find out that Target is testing their decorative pillows by smothering puppies.

For more information on why POM should be added to the jerk list click'a here. Thanks mipmup for the heads up. I never would've guessed.

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posted at 11:59 AM



On the Anthropologie site you'll find three quilts by Denyse Schmidt hidden in their "Throws and Blankets" section. $400 seems relatively inexpensive for a queen sized quilt, so it's hard to say how involved her studio was in their making.

I've decided to keep my eye out for bedding since my mother-in-law's quilt won't be ready for awhile. Of course, the only set that I've fallen in love with would put me back around $900. But it's so pretty! Maybe I'll just wait for the quilt...

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posted at 11:03 AM



A nice new Threadless design for a frigid, icey Monday morning. You know what's worse that having to work on a national holiday? Working a national holiday that's also a snow day. I miss grade school.

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posted at 9:49 AM




Anyone need a date to the 2008 DNC?! Since the convention will be held in Denver, attendance seems to be attainable, now I just need to figure out how to get a free ride. Maybe I can sneak in as a vendor.... make a few hundred "Obama is my homeboy" shirts... sounds easy enough. ... sleep in the back seat of my car on a pile of Hanes 100% cotton goodness... it'll be great!
Let's go to Denver!

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posted at 10:52 AM



[listening: noah and the whale]
[reading:life together]
[watching: weeds]
[project: stuff]

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