
Hey! Hey Caitlin Joyce! Give me your email address! Now! thanks...

posted at 5:20 PM



wow...how pretty the new blogger is...

Yesterday in downtown Tulsa a battle took place of epic proportions between the combined forces of hellfire and brimstone, and the favored underdog, free lovin'.
A street preacher was projecting the threat of eternal damnation across the mall while his skin-head thug assistant, clad entirely in black, threatned to beat people over the head if they refused a track (okay not really...but he was holding his "No Jesus No Peace, Know Jesus Know Peace" placard very menicingly). Suddenly, out of nowhere, a hippie appeared! The gathered crowd of corporate yuppie types were unable to hold back their collective gasp. I had no idea such people existed in Tulsa, but there he was, complete with nappy blonde dreads and the alluring scent of patchouli. In his hands was a placard of his own design that read "Free Hugs and Hi-Fives." As the hippie made his rounds the preacher and his minion became increasingly frustrated and fled the scene, leaving a cascade of Chick tracks in their wake. The Hippie had triumphed! Seemed as if the preacher could learn a thing or two about evangelism from the guy.
If nothing else it was muy entertaining to watch the female office workers squeal and run away when the kid offered them his wares . It was just like recess in elementary school but the shoes were more expensive. Those girls didn't know what they were missin though...best hug I've had in awhile.

posted at 5:11 PM




For you special today...things to read instead of weblogs when everyone is on hiatus for some reason or another...

Marissa's Fantabulous Summer Reading List:

Anthropology-Dan Rhoades (hard to hunt down since it's out of print...the library's a good bet)
Ten Little Indians, The Bussiness of Fancydancing, The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fist Fight in Heaven, The Toughest Inidian in the World- Sherman Alexie (yes, I'm in an Alexie phase at the moment)
Still Life with Woodpecker- Tom Robbins (a new phase on the horizon...hmmmm perhaps)
Crumbtown, Bringing out the Dead- Joe Connely
The Afterword-Mike Bryan
Box Office Poison-Alex Robinson
McSweeney's Mammoth Treasury of Thrilling Tales- ed. Michal Chabon

That's all I've read so far this summer but rest assured there will be more, what with the 6 hour break between classes and a library within walking distance. Which brings me to another point, is it just me or do others feel guilty about checking out books from the library too? I feel as if I'm shorting the authors, cheating them out of well earned profits. I feel, since the book isn't actually my own, that my appreciation or love for the work isn't genuine. Reading a library book is like a literary one night stand. Immediate gratification that's shallow and empty without the long term love and commitment.
The guilt has already driven me to buy two books after I had already read the library versions, and if it weren't for my seaonal lack of funds, I would've bought them all. Visiting Borders is excruciating...it's a lost cause...there's no way I could ever have the money to liberate them all!

posted at 4:51 PM




Get Your War On has finally updated! woohoo! ...and look so have I!

posted at 9:51 AM




Summer school has begun. Surely there's a better way for me to graduate on time, although I guess changing my major 4 times didn't help any.
I have a whole new respect for community college students as their days are filled with such ennui that it actually makes me wish I was back in the bustling Shawnee Metroplex (pop. 6).

Today's schedule:
8am: spend an hour driving into downtown Tulsa because mom is afraid of highways.
9am: arrive at the "campus", buy books, sit around
10am: Watercolor
11am: beginning of 5 hour layover between classes, explore the streets of downtown
11:30am: find nothing of interest, spend $9 for lunch at close-by "Buffeteria."
12:30pm: wander back to "campus" begin to familiarize self with TCC buildings
1:00pm: find library, read two books- Art Today and Box Art.
2:00pm: begin search for computer lab
2:30pm: spend next two hours in said computer lab making up for the last two weeks of internet withdrawl before General Biology for Non-Majors (5:30-8:20pm).

This summer is going to rock!

posted at 3:07 PM



A strange thing I've never noticed before...within this domain name, feelingismutual.com, lies the word "smut." This is the only reason I can think of as to why my site is blocked by AOL for all but the "mature" user. Strange.

posted at 2:52 PM



[listening: noah and the whale]
[reading:life together]
[watching: weeds]
[project: stuff]

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