
Okay, so I know Christmas is over and everything, but if you're sitting at home thinking "Oh lord! I forgot to buy Marissa a Christmas present! How will I live with my shame?!" Then calm down a minute and let me help. It's not too late!
May I suggest these lovely curtains from Urban Outfitters? These would look pretty fabulous in my studio, don't you think? Oh no, you don't have to buy me all four. Just one or two to help me on my way.
No? Then how about this lamp shade? Not the lamp itself– Chris told me that if I brought any more owl themed paraphernalia into the house there would be a little owly massacre. Evidently he thinks I have a problem. But, see, I have a new computer desk in the studio and it would look marvelous. I swear to you!

So... you know... think about it.

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posted at 10:04 AM




When you find a man who'll pose with Santa for you, you know you've found true love. Or you've found a weirdo. I think I'll go with the love bit though.

Hope your holiday was awesome!

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posted at 4:49 PM




Chris and I were forced into the mall today to do a little last minute Christmas shopping. I imagine that hell is a lot like The Buckle. Everything looks attractive from far away – nice colors, interesting patterns– but the closer you get, the more hideous the clothing items become.

We finally found a cute gift that didn't jeopardize our financial stability when we were hit from behind by a perky blond salesgirl with a jones for commissions.

"Are you shopping for your daughter?"

We were stunned! I mean what do you say? Clearly, we're in our 20's right? We don't look like the middle aged parents of a teenage daughter, do we?! I swore off crossword puzzles on the spot and promised to pluck my lucky gray hair as soon as we got home.
Chris very politely replied that we were shopping for a sister. The girl continued her vain attempt at service despite the fact that we already had our selection in hand.

"Does she like brown," she asked with a huge dorky grin.

Seriously, what kind of question is that? I almost wish we had played along to see what other incredible things she had to say.

Idiot: Does she like brown?
Me: Oh yes! She loves brown!! I had completely forgotten about that fact until you brought it to my attention!
Idiot: Well this is your lucky day because we happen to carry clothing items in that exact color!
Me: Hurrah! Christmas is saved!

We made ourselves feel better by refusing eye contact for the rest of the transaction and continued to rip into her the entire car ride home. While stealing glances from the side view mirrors to check for wrinkles.


"Oh Marissa," you say. "You're just cranky because you've had 'Kokomo' inexplicably stuck in your head all day."

Maybe so, my blog reading friend. Maybe so.


posted at 6:39 PM



As you can probably tell from the last post, Chris graduated last friday! Yay for Chris! You probably also noticed that he shaved and got a hair cut. Yay for personal grooming!!
We'd like to thank all the teachers, advisors and deans that made this graduation possible. Especially to Chris' French II professor who gave him an A last semester despite the fact that it had been 6 years since he took French I.

Things I'm looking forward to in the future:
• No more anxious calls from work to make sure Chris is awake for class.
• No more late nights studying and the era of the "all-nighter" is finally coming to it's long overdue end.
• Chris can finally have a normal work schedule again, which means the days of seeing my husband only between the hours of 11 pm and 2 am are in the past. I'm looking forward to seeing what he looks like in the daylight.

A special no thanks to the billing departments of both OBU and Seminole State College. If I ever win the lottery you guys will be the first to know – I promise. Now leave me alone.

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posted at 2:07 PM




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posted at 4:54 PM




oh Superbuzzy.com. How you tempt me with your trims.

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posted at 6:08 PM



Beautiful fabric from Japanese designer Shinzi Katoh available at Superbuzzy.com... but not for long. As of this posting there's only one left. So hurry! Quick!
One meter of fabric for $19.95 would be hard for me to justify. Not to mention that the package would sit on my shelf indefinitely, since I would certainly be too intimidated by its rarity to use it. But you should buy it, cause it's fantastic. And you should make fantastic things from it.

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posted at 1:44 PM




Because man cannot clothe his torso by Threadless alone... here are a few of my favorite shirts of the moment (three tees from Threadless did sneak in there. Can't be a hater).

1.Monsters of Country, Cotton Factory 2.I Love Small Talk, Vintage Vantage 3.Nothing Rhymes With Orange, Threadless 4. Indiana Ohio, Cotton Factory 5.The Average Bear, Threadless 6.Life, No Star 7.Bird Jar, Amorphia Apparel 8.War, Amorphia Apparel 9.Please Don't Peel Me, Cotton Factory

1.At Least I'm not Pregnant, Vintage Vantage 2.Teen Wolf, Cotton Factory 3.Polar Bears, Cotton Factory 4.Cobra Commander PSA, Tees My Body 5.They're Their There, Threadless 6.Brain Freeze, Cotton Factory 7.Make Art, Shirt Stain 8.Girls that Knit, Camp Kitch 9.Oh Baby, One Horse Shy

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posted at 12:16 PM



1. I love snow a ton... but not when there is a ton on my driveway for seven whole days and then it turns into ice and then I fall and bust my knees everyday (almost). As if I needed another reason to hate going to work in the mornings. It was a little slushy when I got home last night which made me super excited... but it is now freezing back over as we speak, because the world hates my knees.
The weather has been so consistantly frigid that my chin is numb and chaffing from rubbing against my scarf.

2. After two and a half years of working for the man, the day of reckoning finally arrived. PERFORMANCE REVIEWS. Two years of dread, two years of looking through the classifieds every time the possibility of a review came up, two years of... hey hold on.... my review kicked the man in the shins! What's that?! I'm fantastic?! Well of course... you dared to doubt it!? Yeah, me too.

3. Marty,
I still have your copy of The Crane Wife. I'm guessing that you've long since come to that realization. I bet you left it at my house on purpose.... a hipster's response to an errant earring on my bedside table, perhaps?* Either way, a care package is in order. My phone's name for you and Linda when texting? "Kinda Nasty". I forgot about that little nugget of awesomeness.

* Not meant in a provocative way. Only that you're just looking for any excuse possible to come back to Shawnee. Like Mecca it calls out to you.

4. If anyone sees my tweezers, let them know that I'm looking for them and that I miss them very much. My eyebrows are going crazy with worry.

5. Ember Van Allen,
I miss you even more than my tweezers and I love your face. Your knees give me butterflies. No one wears a hungarian vowel quite like you. Seeing you twice in one year spoiled me and now my heart weeps because you've dropped off the face of the planet (my planet, at least). Maybe you'll get bored at your schmancy new job and google yourself, then you'll find this and realize the folly that is myspace neglect.

6. Even though It's freezing out, I know it will be a good day because I have a biscuit from Braum's. It fills my heart with gladness... takes away all my sadness.

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posted at 10:08 AM



[listening: noah and the whale]
[reading:life together]
[watching: weeds]
[project: stuff]

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