
I cannot appologize enough for the last post. There is never a good reason to quote Mark Morrison...EVER. Let's forget it ever happened.

Up now for your perusal are some images from my senior exhibition, painstakingly selected for your enjoyment (or they're pics that just happened to be on my zip disk at work...either way). I'll upload some more maybe...you know..eventually. Here they are. woohoo.

I'm trying to resist posting about work but man is it taking a lot of will power. You're missing out on some real crazy "news room" shenanigans. But don't worry, my standards will break down soon enough.

posted at 11:57 AM




Return of the Mack*

Has it really been eight months? wshew.

so...how you guys been? I guess this should be an update post more than anything, especially since my email has been down since early July. (According to the tech support guy, all my email has been "sent into a blackhole" and every single one of them since July were automatically deleted due to a system upgrade glitch. Some upgrade. Bah.) If anyone has been trying to get ahold of me, please please try again. I'm not dead, I swear (sorry to those few who were hoping).

Okay, quick run down: graduation...department store retail purgatory...graphic artist at local paper...house...boyfriend...too much napping not enough painting. Well now you're caught up so let the fun begin.

So, I'm back up in the game
Running things like half my swang
Lettin' all the people know
That I'm back to run the show

*a special thank you to Mark Morrison.

posted at 3:28 PM



[listening: noah and the whale]
[reading:life together]
[watching: weeds]
[project: stuff]

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sept 8-12-- okdhs academy
sept 26-- kelsey's birthday
sept 28-- my birthday

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