
Shawnee Mayhem

I can't post much about the OBU/IBC fiasco because it hits a little too close to home (or work as it were), but ask me about it sometime and I'll tell ya how I really feel. As if you haven't heard already, head this way. Asking around it seems we don't have quite the grasp we should on our community...or we have one too many "friendly relationships." I'm more upset by our silence than the actual event. But that's enough out of me. I have a meeting about it tomorrow. blah.
And Mr. Todd...I'm sorry. You were always fantastic maybe now you'll at least be able to find a better fit. By the way I still need to pick up that certificate.

posted at 4:41 PM




Hope everyone had an unregrettable St. Paddy's day. Will. Post. Soon.

posted at 9:32 AM



[listening: noah and the whale]
[reading:life together]
[watching: weeds]
[project: stuff]

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sept 26-- kelsey's birthday
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