
If you were here with me right now you would be witnessing the "I'm going to Santa Cruz" Happy Dance. True, it does look suspiciously similar to the "Common Fiona, let's go outside" dance... but better. More lip biting I think.
The area is under a tornado watch till 6 pm, so hopefully that doesn't hinder my flight plans... nor my subsequent bachelorette party plans :P

That's right. Ember's getting married this weekend and wedding season has officially begun. This year's season will be more interesting than most. In the past, I honestly haven't paid it much attention... usually only watch the clips on ESPN so I won't look stupid at work the next day. But this year...THIS YEAR... I'll be among the participants. Only 72 days to go by the way... just in case you were keeping track.

There will be stories to tell when I get back. If the trip's a bust then you may get to read about my car's smashed up grill, or maybe even the one about the nosy differently-abled pest exterminator!

So there you go, now you'll all be waiting with baited breath for my return. See ya Sunday night Oklahoma!

posted at 11:57 AM



[listening: noah and the whale]
[reading:life together]
[watching: weeds]
[project: stuff]

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