
intern: When are you getting married?
me: June 10th.
intern: That's a nice day.
me: ...Yeah, I'm looking forward to it.
intern: Of course, my husband's in prison and we've been separated two years.
me: Well...at least the wedding day itself was nice.
intern: No.
me: ...

Someone please let the poor woman know her fly is down. I would... but I'm afraid she'd cut my face.

posted at 10:24 AM




Why is it that I can never get to motel gallery before Jen Corace's work is sold out.
I've had it! As soon as independent wealth is obtained, I'll just have to order pieces biweekly by commission.

Jen Corace's website

posted at 11:36 AM



Well guys, today is the one month mark.

Only 4 more weekends to get everything done before the wedding... I think I can make it but the concert posters and maps might get scrapped. Can we have a wedding again next year using all the ideas I didn't have a chance to complete this time around?
Do you think it's too late to postpone this sucker for another month? Do you think Chris would disown me if I did? Yes, yes I do.

I think I'll post some of my completed wedding projects on flickr...hmmm...yes. Maybe I will.

Projects still on the list:
1. Thank you cards on my gocco
2. Screen printed T-Shirts
3. Coloring page for the kids (photocopied... finally a cheap and painless method of printing!)
4. Programs
5. Family tree
6. Seating Chart
7. Map/ Welcome postcards

And then there's the freelance gigs I've got going on right now.

Our new intern reminds me of a tiny little Nathan Lane...only female.

posted at 11:26 AM




Bridal shower pics are up on my flickr page

posted at 1:21 PM




I was going to post a list of things that make me happy after I was inspired by a bag of candy corn I found in my desk.
Oh sweet bliss! Candy corn in May! I love it so, and this bag held the "chocolate" flavored kind... even better! So I put one in my mouth and it was pretty alright, a little hard but after sucking on it a bit it was passable as...something ...I'm not sure what. Confident that the candy wouldn't kill me I went in for a second piece. It shattered in my mouth and now my tongue is bleeding.

Stupid candy corn. I hate you.

posted at 11:26 AM



[listening: noah and the whale]
[reading:life together]
[watching: weeds]
[project: stuff]

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sept 8-12-- okdhs academy
sept 26-- kelsey's birthday
sept 28-- my birthday

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