
I've been a little blog quiet lately. That's because we've been working our socks off getting moved and unpacked. Chris has decided that his first project will be the garage...so I'm glad we have our priorities straight over here. 2 paint cans and seventy-five dollars worth of trips to the dump later, and the garage is looking pretty fantastic. So now I would like some help in the house now, okay?
In other lightening quick updates:
1. I've gone from working for the man to the alternative man and am now a graphic artist at the Urban Tulsa Weekly.
2. Every year since the beginning of our friendship, Chris and I have carved pumpkins. Halloween is just about our favorite holiday. EVER. But, sorry kids, Chris starts his new job tonight so there's no pumpkin carving this year. There's no Santa either. The pumpkins on our porch look so sad and unembellished... just begging to be smashed.
3. Do you like Tim Fite? Really? You don't listen to Tim Fite? What's wrong with you!? His music is so good he gives it away for free! Today, and today only, download a halloween ep for free! This is a special, once in a lifetime, opportunity. Visit timfite.com. Don't be a sucker!

posted at 8:19 AM




We have a house! Someone seems to have taken the doorknob from the master bedroom as a souvenir but other than that everything is intact. Chris and I spent Friday evening wandering around the property and meeting some of our new neighbors. I wish that I could have stayed and visited longer but the mosquitoes were vicious! I think I have more bumps on my legs than non-bumps (Chris is supposedly immune because of his high pickle intake... but that's neither here nor there).
We toured the community garden and even removed some of the ivy from the front porch with some ancient looking shears that Chris found in the garage.
Along with the community garden, our new neighborhood comes complete with a community dog, a long-haired cat who thinks it lives on our porch and even a neighborhood kid who wanders unexpectedly into people's homes to make our sitcom experience complete! Wacky!

And shootings... there are also shootings. Hopefully this doesn't turn out to be one of those "very special episodes".

Now playing: Norfolk & Western - Minor Daughter
via FoxyTunes

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posted at 8:36 PM




Well, who's surprised that our closing date was rescheduled? Not me! After they waited two weeks to accept our offer and the upped the price on us twice...nope this sort of thing isn't unexpected at all. Good news is, we close today at 3 pm!!! Maybe I'll have a fancy closing picture but maybe not... my mom, who would be our photographer, isn't sure she wants to drive in rush hour traffic to the other side of town just to take our picture. But MoOoOom it's important! Anyway... we'll see. I'm off to spend nearly my entire savings in one fell swoop. Wish me luck!

Since when did Blogger acquire a "Now playing" signature? Hm. I think that's new but I have been kind of preoccupied lately, what with not packing and not finding a job.

Now playing: Jenny Owen Youngs - Hot In Herre
via FoxyTunes

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posted at 10:58 AM




Countdown to closing: less than three days! How about a house tour courtesy of crazy fish-eye-lensed Realtor photos? Objects in photos are closer than they appear.

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posted at 5:38 PM



[listening: noah and the whale]
[reading:life together]
[watching: weeds]
[project: stuff]

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