
I forgot how infuriating Crossfire is...off the TV goes. Oh and by the way...happy birthday Saddam.

posted at 3:46 PM



Spent all day sleeping. Probably a mistake but like many of my mistakes it was a welcome one. Woke up just in time for a shower and crossfire....Evidently I have a towel in my possesion from the Hampton Inn...I get a guilty pleasure from using it even if the guilt isn't my own.
I've been sick all week and it's drained all the life out of me. I never realized how difficult it is to breath solely from the mouth. My poor lips are more chapped then ever and just when they were starting to heal up too. One day in middle school I began picking at the skin on my lips and have yet to stop...no amount of chapstick nor carmax can protect them from my masachistic nervous habits.
Chris found a gray hair on my head last night which I promptly ordered him to pull out. My first gray hair...and it was already about 5 inches long so who knows how long its wirey silverness has been sprouting from the top of my skull. At least it's tangible proof of the stress in my life.

posted at 3:42 PM




The Adding Machine opens tonight at 7:30 at Dorland Theatre. Go see The Adding Machine! Go see it now!!

posted at 12:41 AM




Oh and happy 16th birthday to my little brother who's not so little anymore considering that he's now about a good foot taller than myself. Tonight he's also celebrating he's three year belated bar mitzvah. We kids can't get anything done on time.

posted at 9:31 PM



With two full nights of sleep behind me I'm still as tired as ever. What is so strenuous about my life that it drains away all my energy? I know what I need...more Mountain Dew...and caffeine in general. I've really got to step up my intake again. Sifting through all the crap on ebay while at "work" is great. I just bought this here shirt:
It rocks my face.
Now if someone will buy me this one I'll love them forever.
I need to quit the ebay and get on this whole sucky site design thing...the "transition" design has been up for about two weeks too long.

posted at 9:21 PM




Is it true?! Could it be!?! I think it is! AB is back!!!! Visit Weirdsmobile and judge for yourself.

posted at 4:48 PM




Foolin around with a new layout...this one is temporary...very much so.

posted at 3:17 AM




Site restoration update: As of now everything is a-okay. Swell.

posted at 6:48 PM



gah...stupid hosting service. Evidently on the 28th Positive Fusion "suffered a catastrophic hard disk drive loss" which means every site using their server has been down since then. Spent all week with neither email nor blog which caused much withdrawl and anxiety. Now the main site is back up but not so much with the subdomains and email.
Dave--->I'll get the email back up and running tomorrow if you still want your account. Such a hassle I know.

posted at 4:23 AM



[listening: noah and the whale]
[reading:life together]
[watching: weeds]
[project: stuff]

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sept 8-12-- okdhs academy
sept 26-- kelsey's birthday
sept 28-- my birthday

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