
1.Anthropologie $48 for a Tshirt eh? Ah, to be a trust fund baby.
2. I would pay good money for this button. For serious...if you find it, you stand to make a nice profit by ripping me off.
3. Rare Device How do you tell a cutter that you care?
4. Pink MascaraI don't know what it is about this dress that makes me love it so. The sleeves are fabulous
5. Johnathan Adler If I could buy any yarmulke for my wedding, it would be this one. Honest.

posted at 4:07 PM



A list (in honor of ELT):

1. I am fascinated with anything related to the holocaust and Jewish history in general. Documentaries take precedence over everything.
2. I love PBS... Nova, NOW, Nature, American Experience, Independent Lens, Antiques Roadshow, Frontline...Who needs cable?
3. I can't remember the last time I listened to a radio station that wasn't NPR. It's happened...I am totally out of the loop with what kid's are listening to these days.
4. I get mad at fonts. Especially Sand and Comic Sans.
5. I talk to other cars while I'm driving...not the drivers but the cars themselves.
6. I am very very angry with the Rainbow Inn for moving to night menus.
7. I would've voted for Shirley Chisholm
8. I live in Shawnee, Oklahoma

posted at 3:26 PM




1. Basic French Online. Sophie La Girafe...IN A SNOWGLOBE. I'm in heaven.
2. Good on Paper. Better than Post-Its.
3. Rare Device. stainless steel etched earrings.
4. Koo de Kir. I'm in love with Tord Boontje.
5. The Small Stakes. Pedro the Lion- two color silkscreen 18" x 24"....sold out.

posted at 4:01 PM




Ripped from the pages of mipmup.com- the very first installment of my very own "Friday Favorites"! And I shall call it...

...or "Things I will buy someday when I am independently wealthy."

1. AnthropologieThe search for a decent rehearsal dinner dress continues.

2. Green Grass Design If the premature buying of baby things is wrong, I don't want to be right. It's limited edition!

3. tinymeatYour passport is ugly. Make it prettier.

4. Velocity I've decided our bedroom will be brown and green and blue. Maybe I'll buy this duvet... with that spare $500 I have lying around.

5. Calliope Boutique The bird obsession continues.

posted at 3:08 PM




I was watching one of those news-magazine shows on the topic of online child-predators (aren't they all about that these days?). Turns out one of the "Cam Whores" is all growed up and exposing the reasons why he put on shows for pedophiles. Free Stuff! Duh.

My first reaction to this story of mutual advantage taking? I felt a little disappointed that, at 24, I'm now too old to get free stuff from dirty old men. "Buy me something from my Anthropologie.com wish-list and I might take off one of my shirts," I'd say.

Lesson of the week: Pay attention when buying gifts for your boyfriend.
You know that ugly painting that you hate, but bought him anyway because you selflessly knew that he would love it? Someday you'll have to find a place for it IN YOUR OWN HOUSE. All your arguments that end in "...but you love that wagon wheel coffee table" could have easily been avoided if you limited yourself to only buying him things that you like. Sage advice from Nina... that came a little too late.

posted at 2:26 PM




Hey guys! I know a great way to raise money... how about we hold a "cute pet contest" (Fiona won't be participating of course... we want it to be fair.)? It'll be great... we'll ask readers to submit a picture of their pets and then we'll vote on who's the very cutest of them all.

But it'll cost $10 to submit your pet.
And we won't accept anything less than an 8x10 glossy.
And if you want to vote than that'll be a quarter.

I don't care where the proceeds are going, this is ridiculous. What kind of weirdo has an 8x10 glossy of their PET!? I know I can get a little over energetic about Fiona (that's to be expected since she's the best dog ever) but if I ever pay for a session at Owen Mills please someone shoot me. 8x10? Really?

And we wonder why our promotions keep falling flat on their faces.

posted at 11:15 AM




Pictures from Ember's wedding are here.
Wanna see?!

Ember & Baby - April 1, 2006
Originally uploaded by feelingismutual.

posted at 8:15 PM



[listening: noah and the whale]
[reading:life together]
[watching: weeds]
[project: stuff]

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sept 8-12-- okdhs academy
sept 26-- kelsey's birthday
sept 28-- my birthday

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