
To do list:

1. Look for a house (check)
2. Work on my portfolio (check)
3. Break my toe (check)

Will the couple interested in the home on 1519 S. Norfolk please back down? I'm sure you'll understand that the house you're trying to purchase is truly meant to be mine. Does anyone have a buyer's remorse inducing voodoo doll? No? I'll settle for Tylenol 3... my toe is about 8 different shades of purple.

posted at 10:07 PM




After a few technical difficulties (mostly of the "How do you turn this thing on?" variety) ... The escape plan is officially underway!

ohhhhh... how delightfully cryptic!


posted at 9:55 PM



[listening: noah and the whale]
[reading:life together]
[watching: weeds]
[project: stuff]

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sept 8-12-- okdhs academy
sept 26-- kelsey's birthday
sept 28-- my birthday

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