
Grrrr... a short note...
this will be familiar to knotties

Dear United Health Care.
Thanks so much for only covering one OB/GYN within a 100 mile radius of my house. When it comes to health care I don't want a choice... I want someone to make the tough decisions for me, especially when it comes to my reproductive health.

Oh wait... the only gynecologist you listed retired 3 years ago.

Thanks for nothing,

Dear Murphy,
Last year I was insured through a fabulous company that covered every doctor in the state. I never used my health insurance. Not once did I catch a cold or have a splinter.
So why is it that this year when I finally need the insurance, my benevolent company has swept the Aetna rug from beneath me and left me with practically nothing?
Just curious,

posted at 2:17 PM



Even though Chris never reads my blog I thought I should mark the day of his birth. So... Happy Birthday Christopher... On this your last birthday as a single man! MWAHAHAHAHA!!

I bought Chris a smokin' smoker grill. It's fancy! With a firebox! And I successfully kept it a secret for two whole months! I did good.
We were supposed to have a great time grillin' for his birthday but alas the burn ban is cramping our style. You're all invited to our "Burn Ban BBQ Bash" to be held the day they lift this thing.

Chris received a fun gift from his truck today– Antifreeze leaking like Niagra all over the street. I totally win cause my gift was way better.

Speaking of Antifreeze... "they" always say that the reason kids suffer from antifreeze poisoning is because of its great, sweet taste. Does anyone else have a sneaking desire to try some? Just a little bit... not enough to make me sick.. just enough to see what's the big deal. Don't worry I'm not going to go lick my driveway.

posted at 2:15 PM




A List:

1. What's more self-indulgent than blogging? Posting surveys!

2. When you offer to drive your good friend Willis to the airport at 5 in the morning, make sure he has all of his flight information. Otherwise you'll be sitting in the airport till 7 and end up driving back and forth between Shawnee and the airport 2 more times.

3. When you offer to pet-sit a 15 year old dachshund for the above friend, make sure you let him out at least twice during the night and up to 6 times during the day. Otherwise, in the morning you'll find your cashmere sweater balled up in the floor and soaking wet...and that's not water (and don't you dare say "what was your sweater doing on the floor in the first place?").
Tip: When he's whining next to your bed at 4 in the morning it's not because he wants to get in bed with you, it's because he really needs to go outside.

4. When discussing wedding plans with your mom, make sure you tape record the conversation or have a witness present. Miscommunication abounds. From now on, Mom, I'm taking notes ;)

and here's the big one...

5. Nina's moving back to Shawnee!! Yay Nina! Yay Shawnee!

posted at 12:47 PM




The Number of Completion

Just when I think I can't take it any more..."Stuck in the Middle With You" comes on the radio. What a great song. Thanks classic rock.

If there's one thing The Knot has done, it has instilled in me a love for polls and surveys. They're not just annoying emails you receive from people you don't care about...they're blog space filler! I stole this from The Big Lug. So thanks.

Seven things you plan to do before you die:
1. Leave Oklahoma
2. Open a gallery
3. Have grandchildren (so much more fun than actual children)
4. Teach
5. Run a Letterpress Shop
6. Become a Master Screeprinter
7. Vacuum my living room

Seven things you can't do:
1. Tolerate coworkers in the morning
2. Watch a parade without crying (chemically imbalanced?)
3. Emote properly
4. Go to the bathroom without the door being locked. Even when home alone.
5. Knit cables
6. reply to emails in a timely fashion
7. Cartwheels

Seven things you can do:
1. tell time
2. drive
3. plan weddings like a pro
4. make things awkward
5. crafty craftyness
6. laundry
7. pay rent on time (I'm all growed up)

Seven things that attract you to the opposite sex
1. Sense of humor-Doesn't take himself seriously but NOT self-deprecating (most of the time)
2. Humility
3. "Pretty Hair"
4. Cynicism
5. Ability to be "a goon"
6. nice eyelashes... and the back of the neck...
7. If he puts up with me... that's pretty attractive

seven celebrity crushes:
1. Hugh Laurie
2. Jon Stewart
3. Ben Folds
4. Claire Forlani
5. Richard Belzer
6. I'm struggling here...
7. Your mom
... okay maybe this wasn't such a great idea...

posted at 9:30 AM




fancy feet.

posted at 11:46 AM



[listening: noah and the whale]
[reading:life together]
[watching: weeds]
[project: stuff]

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sept 8-12-- okdhs academy
sept 26-- kelsey's birthday
sept 28-- my birthday

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