
While you're stressing over the fact that there's only two more weeks of school, take time out to play a fun and entertaining game of Monorail/not a Monorail!

posted at 9:45 PM




It's Friday Five time kids!
1. What's your favorite TV show?I don't watch the TV much (mine has been unplugged on the floor for about two weeks now) but when I do these are the shows that make me feel giddy inside: The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, Adult Swim on cartoon network, That 70's Show and 24.

2. Who is your favorite television star? Jon Stewart ...awww yeah

3. What was your favorite TV show as a child?Punky Brewster was deffinatly up there...and you know that show about the robot girl? I think it was called Small Wonders...yeah that was great...but it was probably just something lame like David the Gnome.

4. What show do you think should have been cancelled by now?The whole UPN network.

5. What new show do you hope escapes the axe this season? It'd be sad if Greg the Bunny got cancelled before I could check it out. Oh and the pseudonew Undeclared...I love that show but sadly it's been gone for weeks with not even an explanation of its whereabouts.

posted at 4:29 PM



sigh...what possesed me to go on the sick list today? Technically I can't leave the dorm until 7 tomorrow morning but between you and me, I'm sneakin out as soon as my RA goes to bed! HA! No I'm kidding...really Daree I promise. It's a lonely day...If you ever want to feel like no one cares about you, then go on the sick list. You'll also get the added bonus of sitting around all day feeling sorry for yourself. The only thing I've consumed all day is IBC rootbeer and my stock is runnin low even in that. That tub of margarine in my fridge is startin to look pretty good...

posted at 3:17 PM




I'd like to take a brief moment to thank the Shawnee Police Deartment...for nothing!
I was walking to class on wednesday morning when something caught my eye. My bike! It was sitting on the second story porch of the house right next door to the art department where it had been stolen. So I call the police to see what I should do...Chris grabs a tire iron to beat the punk over the head...Mr. Jones goes to his office to pull out his copy of Bad Boys. Excitement and restlessness abounds as we await the final showdown between the forces of good and evil.
Our adventure in justice couldn't have been any more anticlimatic. 15 minutes later I finally get off the phone with the police dispatcher who claims they lost my case file. 20 minutes after that the cop shows up after getting lost on his way. The guy has got to be the stupidest person I've ever talked to in my entire life. I've never had to try so hard to be respectful. He keeps hinting that I had never filed a report in the first place and pretends like he can't understand a single word I'm saying as I give him the description of my bike (as Chris as my witness it was him and not me). After much prodding, Barney Fife finally knocks on the door of the house. An old chick comes out and of course someone had just left it on their porch the other day...the chick left it there to see if anyone would come by to claim it. "Thanks for your time ma'am," says Barney with a shake of his head in my direction.
Like I said before...I hate this town. But at least I've got my bike.

posted at 2:32 PM




A littlesomething specialfor Dave. Everyone else...I'm sorry.

posted at 6:38 PM



Pants! Pantspantspantspantspants!

Find out what YOUR inner non-sequitur is!

quiz by A.V. Phibes

posted at 3:46 AM



Finally!The fall of the evil Dutch regimeof Prime Minister Kok! heh. I don't think anything else needs to be said. quit that. But seriously, how am I supposed to sleep at night knowing that Amsterdam is in a state of chaos. Oh ok, I guess it's never stopped me before.

posted at 12:38 AM




I would write about my bike being stolen on friday but it would be impossible to do so while still remaining kosher. Since this is a family oriented blog I'll have to refrain. I'll just say this, someone who has the gaul to steal a bike while its owner is standing right across the street watching it happen deserves to be bludgeoned with a 2x4. punk. I hate this town.

posted at 5:01 PM




5:20am...think it's time for a bit of a nap...someone wanna come check on me and make sure i'm up at 8:30? Around 2:30 Dave and I were walking to the GC (student union for those non-Bison out there) to study for finals in the Bubble, when who did we chance to come upon but a group of social club pledges putting spray paint to use in the parking lot. What luck! We approched with caution. One of the pledges, who appeared to be the leader, became alarmed and announced our presence to the others. Startled, the group then scattered to the safety of a waiting car. Such strange creatures.

posted at 5:40 AM



I've decided that I'm done with the whole "sleep while it's dark" constraints that society has placed upon us. I'm bucking the system! Rebelling against social norms! Growing more and more delirious each day from sleep deprivation!
My current system is to sleep after dinner from 6pm till around 11pm then wake up fresh and ready to go all night long...studying. Nothing worth staying awake for happens before midnight anyway. Too bad I'm missing out on that too cause I'm stuck in my room all night studying or painting...sigh. And taking 18 hours this semester seemed like such a good idea.

posted at 2:28 AM




Yet another all nighter last night...i'm actually getting to the point where I can do it without the slightest bit of trouble and still maintain a coherent appearance throughout the next day! go me! We'll see if I stay awake during Foundations of Education but who could blame me if I don't.
Spent the night in the Art Building working on a painting that wasn't even due today...argh...but it was..fun...right guys? Chris, Heather and Jessica came up too and we had a slumber party. If when you say slumber party you mean studying all night for a Civ. essay exam and frantically finishing paintings that you foolishly believed were due at 8 am. So much to do this week...there's no time for sleep.

posted at 2:05 PM



It's sad that there are so few people on my buddylist that I actually care about. Out of the 71 screenames on the list, I can count only about ten of them that give me a legitamate warm fuzzy feeling when they sign on. There's probably less than 10 people on there that I actually feel are worthy of IM'ing.
The remaining 58 screenames fall in to one or more of the following categories:
[1] Random people from MOC that quickly became tiresome.
[2]Supporting characters from high school that I keep on the list for the sole purpose of checking up on them via their away messages.
[3]Assorted exboyfriends and crushes of friends put on the list so that said friends could keep tabs on them at all times, even when in my room. heh.
[4]Names I can't delete because they sound vaguely familiar but that I can't work up the courage to ask it's owner who the they are because if it's someone I care about then shouldn't I already know?
[5]Old...OLD screenames of friends who haven't used AIM since 1998 but that i still keep on there just for the off chance that they sign on again someday.
I think it's time to purge the list.

posted at 1:52 PM




Really, my computer graphics class is just an excuse to mess around on the computer for three hours every monday night. I can't quit thinking about all the multitude of things I need to get done tonight but instead of being productive I'm stuck here in this computer lab till 9:30...Argh!
The above picture was my last design project...It's my mom...she was not a hippie back in the day...she just looks like it.

posted at 6:59 PM




Congratulations to Shaunacy and David! Way to...uh...get married...

posted at 4:37 AM




WilliamShatner even has a blog these days...and i've gotta admit that I think that's pretty rad.

And speaking of ol'Billy Shatner...I went to CD Warehouse today and picked up Ben Folds' Fear of Pop Volume 1which actually features Shatner's signature Priceline.com vocal stylings on tracks 5 and 11. There's nothing quite like hearing The Captain "sing" about unrequited love.

he got a fine tan shirt with an emblem on the chest
the interstellar girls all like him the best
captain of the crew and he knows kung fu
and he did joan collins in 1932
really just an actor, and a genius to boot
he never gets to fire when the enemy shoots
so he ends each show looking neat and clean
after staring down the mouth of a doomsday machine
i really like the one where he reads the constitution
after ending all the fighting in a future revolution
"William Shatner", The Scofflaws

posted at 6:21 PM




I've been goin' comic book crazy lately. I bought the Clerksgraphic novel today with 12 bucks I didn't have and had to stop myself from ordering about 10 other trades. My recent relapse takes me back to the by gone days of middle school and early high school when I had way too much disposable income on my hands. The days when i could buy a minumum of three cd's and six comics a week and not think twice. -sigh- how I miss those days
My four new issues of Adrian Tomine's Optic Nerve came in last week and it was sad how little I could get done before finally giving in to the urge to read them all in one sitting. So yeah I 'm afraid my obssesion has started all over again.

posted at 9:10 PM



I't's just before 9pm and I have yet to start my civ paper proposal...and of course there are always those education journals that I've been procrastinating on for weeks. Right now I am perfectly content watching "Say Anything." This disk is beautiful...commentary...trailers...ads...and an assortment of deleted/extended/alternative scenes...My assault on the DVD player begins now! HAHAHahaha...heh...oh boy. yeah that wasn't funny was it. sorry.

posted at 8:56 PM



Inspired by the atrocious Bison meeting that just ended I present to you Mr. Phillip A. Todd as the first OBU proffesor to be featured on Plastic and Elastic.

Mr. Todd, assistant proffesor of journalism and soon to be future father of Dr. Stauffer-Todd's baby, is quite the interesting character. Fueled by a healthy dose of prog rock and an unhealthy admiration for Hunter S. Thompson, Mr. Todd rules the Bison with an iron fist. Each thursday evening at 5pm Todd can be found at the Pepperoni Caf� chanting the word "pizza" like a madman as the student newspaper staff desperatly tries to maintain order despite the obvious distraction. Todd is the only proffesor we know who would write "All Your Bass are Belong to Us" as the caption for a orchestra rehersal. And for this we love him. Viva Mr. Todd!

posted at 8:16 PM



[listening: noah and the whale]
[reading:life together]
[watching: weeds]
[project: stuff]

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