
David Foster Wallace is dead at age 46.

posted at 2:06 PM




Earlier this summer, Chris and I moved our bathtub to the front porch in order to keep up the illusion that we are still working on our disaster of a bathroom. I promise that leaving the tub there where it sat was not a part of our plan. This was not a vain attempt at winning the hearts and minds of our neighbors... although, let me tell you, nothing will improve your chances of winning Neighbor of the Year more than bathroom fixtures next to your front door. We had every intention of putting it in Chris' truck and hauling it over to Habitat for Humanity. Promise. But the thing was about 400 pounds more than the poor little pick-up could handle... so there it sat.

I'm sure our postman appreciated the tub since it was right in front of our mailbox. He's used to it though, since it seems that each day there's a new and different piece of debris out there chronicling our home's destruction from the inside out. We call it the Mailbox Physical Challenge. Sure we'd like our Netflix, but could you complete this obstacle course first?

But the tub is gone now. Sold on Craigslist for $50 when, really, if the buyers had been just a little bit better at negotiating, they could have talked us into giving them $50 just for haulin' it away.

We'll miss you old tub. I had just gotten used to giving directions to our home by pointing people to the "house with a bathtub on the porch"... and now you're gone.

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posted at 10:16 AM




Do you... do you ever have blog guilt? Oh boy. I do.
If I let too much time pass between posts, I can't even bring myself to look at the poor thing. But even if I could, I wouldn't be able to see the screen through the thick veil of shame. I tell you what, it's a vicious cycle that I need a 12 step program to break.

I feel the same way about all forms of correspondence. I love you all. Really I do... but sometimes I'm so embarrassed that I haven't written someone back in a timely manner that I just... well, I just don't write back at all. I want to write an email that I'll truly be proud of, an email worthy of its recipient. Just a simple "Hi. How are you?" would do just fine, but because I don't have time to write THE BEST LETTER YOU'VE EVER READ EVER, you'll never hear from me again. It's not because I don't love you. It's because I do. And for this great flaw in my character.. I am truly sorry.

It's quality not quantity, right?


Chris and I will be in Norman trainin' it up for the State this next week. Do you know what that means? Stuck in a hotel room with no internet for a week. Gasp! I know. Life is hard.

posted at 11:51 PM



[listening: noah and the whale]
[reading:life together]
[watching: weeds]
[project: stuff]

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