
The wedding pictures are here! The wedding pictures are here!

Our photographer, John Lew, has posted a slideshow of our wedding pictures! I couldn't have asked for a better photographer...the pics are awesome, and so was he!

If you're family, or just can't get enough Chris & Marissa action, you can check out every single picture John took that day...and even order prints! Just fair warning, if I come over to your house and there's a 16x20 canvas of us above your couch, I will be creeped out significantly and may never speak to you again (I don't mean you, Grandma).

I tried very hard to not be self-deprecating and point out all the little flaws about me that, unless brought up, you wouldn't even notice (and then you'd never be able to see me the same way without first...nevermind). I hope you appreciate my effort, 'cause, let me tell you, it was a real struggle. I can't promise that it won't be addressed in a future post though. Because I am weak.

posted at 7:32 PM




In sickness and in health...

I blame B for my post honeymoon illness. If it weren't for him and his stupidhead blog, then I would never have consciously decided to defy him by drinking my watered down coke with infectious airplane ice. Thanks a lot B. I bet you feel good now don't you?

Work is pretty chaotic right now so time for blogging has been minimal...serves me right for taking a week off. When I get this big project done on monday then I can give the official wedding report. Till then... FLICKR!

posted at 4:46 PM




Did I tell you I would most likely be on hiatus till after the honeymoon? It's true. Except for today...today Is my hiatus from my hiatus.

Eight days suckas!

posted at 2:10 PM



Would it be pathetic if I planned my entire honeymoon around the Renegade Craft Fair? I didn't think so. Rock.

posted at 1:01 PM



[listening: noah and the whale]
[reading:life together]
[watching: weeds]
[project: stuff]

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sept 8-12-- okdhs academy
sept 26-- kelsey's birthday
sept 28-- my birthday

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