
My friend Aaron Willis became radio famous today as a guest on The Story with Dick Gordon. Aaron is a Child Welfare Specialist with OKDHS, and his interview was recorded as part of The Story's "Tough Jobs" series.

I am very impressed with young Aaron, and about as proud of him as one can be without being his mama. I am especially proud of the way he portrayed those of us who work for OKDHS. It's a nice change for rural Oklahoma to be represented by someone intelligent and well-spoken– who doesn't bring to mind visions of undereducated, nouveau dust-bowl victims named Cletus.

If you're curious about finding out more about DHS– and those who choose to work for the welfare of our children– you need to listen to this interview. You don't even have to subscribe to The Story's podcast (Although, you should. It's a pretty good little program), you can download the show right here. Aaron's story starts at 31:05.

Aaron: The job's not for everybody.. it's not something that everybody can do. And, I'll go as far as to say that it's a job that few people can do. But, I can. And by virtue of that feeling, I have a responsibility to do so...
Dick Gordon: You could go back and get a PHD in philosophy and spend the rest of your days in a soft leather chair...
Aaron: ...Yeah...Philosophy professor. That was something I considered... doing my philosophy degree, obviously... and something I really enjoy. But, challenging rich kids to change the way they think, versus being in a rural impoverished community... it's just a better life. The way I look at it anyway. It may not be as comfortable– and I may be grossly underpaid– but... it's worth it. It's just worth it."

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posted at 6:10 PM




mmmm... so good!


posted at 11:45 PM




19 days till the election! Gah... it feels like I'm having a heart attack! Though that's probably just because my diet today consisted almost entirely of Smarties and coffee.

It's been awhile since a good Obama merch post (or any post at all really... *cough cough). So, before this election season runs its course... here we go one last time!

"I Can Clean Up This Mess" embroidered dishtowel Obama/McCain shadow puppets Palin Shot My Paw tshirt Barack embroidered hair clipsElitists for Obama pin Michelle and Barack ponytail holders Yes We Can tote Safe House tshirt Barack neck tie

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posted at 8:31 PM



[listening: noah and the whale]
[reading:life together]
[watching: weeds]
[project: stuff]

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