
I've become Uncomfortably numb

After months and months of gargling mouthwash and consuming only the lukewarm, Chris finally went to the dentist this morning. They pulled the offending tooth and I think it's made him a bit depressed. I've taken to calling him Toothless McGee which he really seems to appreciate. His chuckles seem increasingly forced each time I say it. Maybe that's my cue to cut it out but I'll try it a few more times just to make sure.

I'm on a water kick lately. No more Coke. No more Coffee (mostly). No more... well that was all I drank really, coke and coffee. I've been pretty good about my 80 oz a day. I don't feel healthier yet, but I do feel...sloshier. 80 oz is an awful lot of water, kids. The dairy people say that 24 oz of low fat milk a day helps with weight loss... so I'm halfheartedly trying that as well. My theory is that after 80 oz of water and 24 oz of milk I'll be so filled up on liquids that I'll get ill just from thinking about eating or drinking anything else. I'll let ya know how it goes.

Also... when they tell you it's bad to refill disposable water bottles and reuse them for weeks at a time, they're not kidding. It is bad. Very bad. My mouth is sore sore sore.

... and I'm still using the same water bottle.

posted at 12:38 PM



[listening: noah and the whale]
[reading:life together]
[watching: weeds]
[project: stuff]

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