
Wanna see something scary? Do ya? Do ya?

That's right. I'm a lucky woman.


posted at 10:03 PM



Remember when all it took was a plastic sack and a cheap mask to instantly transform into your favorite character? Good times.
RetroCRUSH touts the webs largest collection of classic costumes (i.e. tacky...and plastic). Really brings back the Toys R' Us memories.
Back in 1983 I was rocking this ET action. And I looked good.

Happy Halloween! Don't forget to bring your children by my house... our candy is awesome this year. I promise it will be totally worth it. Even if you don't have children, we'll still give you candy. We're desperate.

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posted at 4:52 PM




You know it's going to be a good week when Best Friends Forever is reprinted at Threadless. Thanks guys!

($10 sale til wednesday!)

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posted at 2:37 PM



Now that I'm all married up and wedding planning is a thing of the past, I can start participating in swaps again. What better way to get back in the swing of things than the 1st Annual Ornament Swap hosted by cake & pie and Freshly Blended.
Sign ups end November 1st so there's still plenty of time to mull it over and join with your bad self.

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posted at 10:36 AM




Yet another reason why I need to cull down my store of miscellaneous art supplies – they're dangerous! Fortunately for me, I was right next to my box of fabric scraps when I decided that it would be awesome to cut my leg and spurt blood everywhere. An instant bandage that would make Martha Stewart proud.

I told Chris that those scraps would come in handy someday... unlike that pane of "I'll use it someday" glass. Consider yourself culled, glass!


posted at 10:59 PM



Today I woke up at 2 p.m. and only because Chris called during his lunch break with a hankering for mexican food. With my cloudy head and puffy eyes I thought that sounded like a swell idea. I rubbed in vain at the sheet scars on my face and wore long sleeves so people wouldn't look at my arms in horror and whisper "fire". There was also teeth brushing.
Off I went! I ate a chimichanga and consumed two huge fountain drinks in record time (everyone knows there's nothing better than ice cold fountain drinks when you wake up at 2 p.m.). I'm sure we talked of important things like politics, and pangea, and my swollen eyelids.
And now? Now I'm thinking that mexican food that soon after rising was not a good idea at all. It's 3 p.m. and I've been amongst the living for an hour. I really want to go back to bed.

A list
... cause it's been awhile.

• I have to consciously force myself not to start every single one of my posts with "So, ...". I'm a good writer, I is.

• I have a grey hair. It is five inches long and very angry looking. It has situated itself in prime territory- front and center and next to the part. It means business and I can't bring myself to pull it.

• Today is "organize the studio day" and it will be so lovely. I'm doing my best to cull through my supplies and send all the rejects to better more productive homes on freecycle.com, but i just keep thinking of so many great uses for book repair tape and 30 year old gold powdered pigment.
If anyone in the area wants a giant rubbermaid filled with broken dinner plates, please let me know cause I am not moving that sucker again.

• Nov. 29th is my first dentist appointment in 2 years and I'm deathly afraid that the dentist will yell at me for my receding gums. I've gone into preparation mode. On top of my regular oral care routine, I've been swigging listerine three times a day, flossing like it's going out of style and gargling with salt water, all in a desperate attempt to reverse the effects of hard brushing. I just found out that this could be making the situation worse. Now I just feel lost. Stupid gums.

• The political campaign I'm working on just took a turn for the dirty. Should make for an interesting work week. And give my an ulcer. Oh politics, you are a harsh mistress. Wish I... could write ... more... argh....


posted at 3:08 PM




I really like buyolympia.com, and not just for Nikki McClure... although her work is a big part of it. I like buyolympia.com so much that I wear their t-shirt proudly, even though I have to explain what it means to everyone I work with (or maybe because of that).
So here's new stuff to tempt me!

Not only that... new paper things are available from San Francisco publishing duo,Little Otsu! Soy based inks, recycled papers and pretty things!

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posted at 10:15 AM




Between the Foley scandal and the Abramoff debacle, the list of politicians who will never get my vote just keeps getting longer and longer. Today I put Connecticut Republican Rep. Christopher Shays (Shays on Foley Handling) on the list. Although I guess he's pretty safe from my wrath since he's in Connecticut and all.

Just last week, Shay issued a statement saying “If there is any leader - Republican or Democrat - that knew or should have known about Mark Foley's behavior, he or she should step down from leadership. I will not vote for any leader who knew or should have known about Mark Foley’s conduct." He also, very correctly, observed that "The integrity of Congress is on the line.”

So what happened Shay? I guess you mean anyone besides Speaker Hastert. "I know the speaker didn't go over a bridge and leave a young person in the water, and then have a press conference the next day," the embattled Connecticut congressman told The Hartford Courant in remarks published Wednesday...."Dennis Hastert didn't kill anybody," he added.


I guess since the GOP has lost the moral high ground for shizzle they've decided to throw family values out the window altogether. It's as if the whole party has collectively decided to give up the charade "Shucks! You caught us... the truth is we hate children!" The GOP could've spun this to their advantage. They could've reached out to the families with heart felt apologies. Foley could have been drawn and tarred and quartered and feathered. But instead they're busy blaming and covering their butts and I don't know anyone outside of The Capitol who thinks it's working. Cause you know what? This isn't a "gay thing", or a "drunk thing" or a "liberal conspiracy thing". This is a pedophilia thing. Foley is the guy on Dateline we look at with disgust as he fumbles with a margarita because of his proximity to a 14 year old. No one in their right mind looks at a pedophile and thinks, "at least he didn't kill anyone." In the same way, no one would look at someone who enabled a pedophiliac and say that they didn't personally murder children so they're absolved. Oh right, except for Rep. Shay.

I'm tired of all the spin and the lies. I'm tired of people being jerks. I'm tired of wishy washy, backsliding, hypocritical morons. You know what sucks? Deciding who to vote for dependent on which candidate did less stuff that I hate (Yeah Henry loves the lottery... but Istook eats babies). I'm changing my affiliation to The Decent Human Being Party. Who's with me?

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posted at 11:16 AM




Have you ever looked at the word "chihuahua"? I mean really looked at it and sounded it out? Funny word. "Tchi-whoah-whoah". Heh.

Chris and I are desperately trying to devise a plan to lure trick-or-treaters to our house. We always buy the best candy, we carve kickin' jack o'lanterns, we leave the porch light on, we stay at home during the prime hours of 6 till 9... and we sit...and we wait...
Last year we had six kids. Six total. All night. Two of 'em weren't even in costumes (and had facial hair). If we don't have more kids this year than I'm afraid the spirit of Halloween will leave our household forever. Maybe I need more Halloween décor. The kids love festive seasonal décor!

Check out these vintage inspired designs from Christmas Traditions:

1.Wise up! Painted Tin Sign Chris absolutely hates it when I hang seasonal junk on the door. Somehow he always ends up hitting himself in the face. I bought this one anyway...I know it will be different this time.

2.Painted Tin Garland This will look awesome above the piano! For sure!

3.Set of three Owl Ornaments None of these for me, since I've been mocked for my recent increase in owl related purchases. My husband is so cruel.

4.Jack O' Lantern Paper Maché Basket I'd be all over this if I hadn't just read about making my own in Martha Stewart Living (this one's nearly sixty bucks).

5.Glittery Garland When you live in a house the size of a postage stamp, you can never have too much garland!

More halloween goodness!

1. Scary Pumpkin Head Rattle of Doom! It's peal will summon the apocalypse! ... maybe we'll leave this one alone. Vintage Halloween Store

2. Little Chenille Pumpkin Men Much more fuzzy and less unsettling than the rattle.Christmas Traditions

3. Halloween Vintage Picks For fancy cupcakes and for poking people. Vintage Halloween Store

4. Vintage Treat Bags These should be framed, not handed out to unappreciative and sticky-handed children! Spook Shows

5.Tin Cat Head Container Cause it's always fun to stick things in a cat's head. Christmas Traditions

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posted at 1:03 PM




I love how the crafty ladies of the web have intertwined etsy and flickr. While cruising the "I made it myself" group on Flickr, I found my way to Bookworm Sukie's etsy shop. This Canadian craftster has a plethora of beautifully designed blank books and notebooks for your perusal. Each cover is decorated with one of her original patterns. I love a girl with book binding skills!

This gift set is especially adorable.

You can see more of her patterns and crafts on Flickr.

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posted at 2:38 PM



Chris and I have advanced to a new stage in our relationship: Old People. Not every couple in their mid-20's can say that they regularly fall asleep on a love-seat while watching PBS. It's gotten to the point where Antiques Road Show is a highly effective alternative to sleeping pills. I'm not sure if I should attribute my newly aching body to "The Old" or to the couch sleeping.

Every night we dominate the crosswords. It's about time I found a reason to pick the paper up from the yard. If I had known about the forced subscriptions, I never would've taken a newspaper job. Bah. And Eugene Sheffer, you will be vanquished! 'Cause, dude, if the answer consists of 3 separate words then the clue would be a perfect place to let us know. Seriously. You better hope we never cross paths Sheffer... if so, I have a combo move with your name on it.

My birthday weekend was lovely, so thank you to everyone who helped make it rock. In related news, I am now the proud owner of a 1" button maker!

Does anyone else think that the arrival of the recent cold front and Karl Rove's presence in Oklahoma is a little too convenient to be a coincidence? I knew that the breeze felt especially evil yesterday morning.

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posted at 1:29 PM




You know what makes me happy? New birthday shoes!

Especially when those new birthday shoes are the owl print Keds from Eleanor Grosch! Do you own these yet? Why not!? They haven't left my feet since my mom presented them to me on Sunday night. They're like a second skin to me now (a second skin with a tough rubber sole so that I don't hurt my actual skin).
Of course new birthday shoes aren't the only things that make me happy, I'm not that shallow... but they are right up there on the list, between world peace and puppies.

"We are so thrilled to be collaborating with Eleanor. She has brilliantly blended her youthful, iconic designs with the Keds aesthetic and the end result is a very exciting and sophisticated debut collection. Eleanor's medium of poster art links music, graphics and culture in a powerful way. Keds recognized a great opportunity to connect to a young, music-savvy consumer with Eleanor's talent for design and her unique perspective into the world of indie rock. She was a natural choice," -Wendy Yang, Senior Vice President of Product, Keds.

Ah! You got me Keds! Sneaky devils!

Eleanor Grosch runs Pushmepullyou Design out of Philadelphia. This is her blog. Beauty.

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posted at 2:03 PM




(via mipmup)
Todays cool stuff I wish I could buy comes courtesy of Ruby Gallery in San Francisco.
The site is still in the "under construction" stage so several of the links are broken or empty. It's worth a visit though, just to check out these lovely resin necklaces. I'm anxious to see what other offerings they come up with!

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posted at 5:25 PM



“In life as in dance: Grace glides on blistered feet”- Alice Abrams

I made this bag for my seester's birthday so that she would have something rad for the transportation of dance clothes. There's a matching cosmetic bag too for holding the thousands upon thousands of bobby pins that she requires. Hope she likes it!
Better than a beat up red duffle from the '80s!

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posted at 9:21 AM




After a long hiatus DeMarco Designs has finally reopened! Owner & artist, Mariah DeMarco, was off doing important things like creating custom projects and giving free stuff to celebrities, among other projects, but now she's come back to us!
For those of us who still practice the art of the handwritten letter (ahem... or at least have the intention) her stationary designs must be purchased!
...and of course... there's a new blog to look at too.

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posted at 12:28 PM




I’ve always wanted to have a place where I could showcase affordable, limited-edition designs by my favorite independent artists; I feel strongly about supporting the fantastic community of indie designers making their own goods by hand.
-Grace Bonney, design*sponge

Design*sponge has a shop!? Luckily for my bank account, our insurance went up $100 this month thus I'm currently shocked into spendthrift mode (temporary affliction I hope).

Reasons why the design*sponge shop is a wonderful thing:
1. 10% of the site 's advertising revenue will be gifted to a rotating charity
2. All pieces are exclusive to the design*sponge shop
3. Nothing will ever be priced at more than $100.
4. Global shipping
5. The independent artists take home 100% of the profit!
6. New products every month!


Now if you excuse me, I have an appointment with my insurance agent (seriously...100 bucks!?).

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posted at 1:22 PM



[listening: noah and the whale]
[reading:life together]
[watching: weeds]
[project: stuff]

This is a Flickr badge showing public photos from feelingismutual. Make your own badge here.

sept 8-12-- okdhs academy
sept 26-- kelsey's birthday
sept 28-- my birthday

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