
And then there was the time my bank account was empty for a month and Positive Fusion threatened to cancel my subcription...hahaha...dang it. I may not be back for awhile.

posted at 12:43 PM




And from Ernie: Hipster Bingo! Dude, I could so totally get a Bingo from just my brother alone. That man-child is a walking hipster bingo board.

posted at 2:00 PM



Here's a quote from Douglas Coupland that I pilfered from Iwilldare.com:

"the only CDs i listen to are brought in by my 23-year-old studio assistant. he's personally bringing bankruptcy to the record companies of the world by downloading most everything there is. yeah, as an author let me tell you about file swapping. we've had these file swapping agents for 200 years, they're called libraries. everyone take their lighters, burn down the libraries and build more bookstores."

Great..and I was just starting to get over my library guilt (See June 23rd's entry and comments). I'd say that great minds think a like or I'd maybe even suggest that Coupland reads this thing... but I'm not that delusional.

posted at 1:43 PM




I feel a little closer to Hell everytime I see a Dr. Scholl's commercial. Lord knows that the actors in these commercials sold away their immortal soles (haha...sorry) when they signed up for this gig. As if the ads themselves weren't bad enough, suddenly "Are you gellin?" has become an acceptable salutation in the cultural lexicon of the tragically unhip. Shame on you Dr. Scholl's.
This week, McSweeney's attempts to reclaim the messaging gel insole for the common man as only they can. McSweeney's Brain Exploder: How you Gellin?

posted at 2:39 PM




Comments are working again. And guess what Estella! They're legible! Sorry for the inconvenience...I know it was keeping you up at night.

posted at 3:36 PM



One of the coolest things about being a doctor's kid is the free stuff from drug companies. Sure, it may be immoral for said company's to offer trinkets and trips to doctors in exchange for increased prescriptions. You may even call it bribery. My siblings and I call it neat!
It can be embarassing though. Like the time you were in third grade innocently drawing straight lines and the kid at the next desk informed you that your ruler was advertizing vaginal cream. Not that this every happened to me. . . nope. I bet free drug stuff is a lot better when you're dad isn't a gynecologist.
Evidently my dad's been prescribing a lot of antidepresants lately (strangely, this increase coincided with our move to Oklahoma. Probably not a coincidence.) which means our house suddenly has an abundance of Zoloft pens and little Prozac flashlights that are disguised as pens. I've grown quite fond of my Zoloft pen with it's cushy grip and dark blue translucency. It's also good to be reminded that someday, when my pen finally runs out of ink and I'm overcome with sadness, Zoloft will be there for me.

posted at 2:17 PM




You know...I actually enjoy them more this way. The success of Garfield is almost as perplexing as the presence of that perverted strip about the two naked kids. Love is...pedophilia?

posted at 3:50 PM



Don't be put off by the bleeding monstrosity on my forearm...it's only a mosquito bite gone horribly, horribly, awry. Yes I am a scab picker of the worst kind. Hey....HEY! come back...It's not that bad...geez.

posted at 3:04 PM




The TCC computer lab has a killer view of downtown. What's good about Tulsa? Not much that's for sure...but the architecture is a plus. Downtown looks pretty good until you actually get there. What else is keen about Tulsa? Drive-ins baby! Yeah! Tomorrow night is set aside as Chris and Marissa's designated drive-in night and it will be grand despite the fact that the movie will more than likely cause my brain cells to commit suicide. I haven't been to a drive-in since Three Men and a Little Lady...I hope there's a swingset like in Grease for when the movie gets too unbearable.

posted at 2:31 PM




I want to rasp into sober cryptology and say something dynamic but tonight is my laundry night.
-Sherman Alexie, "Loneranger and Tonto Fist Fight in Heaven"

posted at 3:08 PM



[listening: noah and the whale]
[reading:life together]
[watching: weeds]
[project: stuff]

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