
Well that's it. The day after finals always feels so fabulous. Fibers I know for sure is an A and Physics could very well have been an A as well..most likely a B...but one never knows and I'm a big believer in wishful thinking. I finished about three paintings this J-term and knitted myself a fancy new bag to hold all my fancy new knitting supplies. But the term is now over my friends and it's such a relief...ahhhh...And the best part about it? No more going to bed at midnight and waking up at 7:30am! All my classes Spring term start at noon and it will be so beautiful to watch my roomate get up and scoot off to class in the morning instead of me for a change.

If anyone sees Lester Dick tell him I want my locks fixed! please. And I have some stuff for him...books and such... So yeah, let him know that someone in Shawnee needs him.

posted at 5:22 PM




You know what I really love about not using the ol'computer as much? Sure I get to spend more quality time with the people I care about. I go to bed in a timely fashion, get my homework done by 10 pm and am just all around a lot more productive. But what is truly fantastical about having a non-online life is the 457 e-mails I have in my in-box everytime I check my mail. Nothing brightens my day more than weeding through all the spam to find the six or seven emails of actual interest. What I really love are the emails with subjects randomly thrown together such as: "ethereal cheesecake curdle homo," "gradual forklift impalpable," and "bleak martinez cosmic embroidery." Fabulous. I see a whole new series of poetry comin from these suckers, Dave. That's your literary challenge for the week.
So what have I been up to since I took my computer apart and put it under my bed? Well I've rediscovered the fine art of tangible letter writting. I hope those I write understand just how meaningful these letters are...just how much time and thought had to go into actually addressing and stamping those envelopes...I swear I've written a dozen letters over the last semester and only two have actually made it into the hands of my friendly neighborhood postal workers.
I've taught myself to knit, which is quite the accomplishment. Two scarves and a bag cranked out so far...perhaps soon a sweater! Wow it's exciting, and the best thing about it is that I'm earning three bonafied college credits! Underwater basket weaving is on the itenerary for the spring. Much more excitement has been had but I guess I shouldn't overload you guys...probably still getting over the shock of knitting and all that.
Well back to the emails...only 207 and more to go...

posted at 4:52 PM




Knitting is the new blogging.

posted at 1:18 PM



[listening: noah and the whale]
[reading:life together]
[watching: weeds]
[project: stuff]

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sept 8-12-- okdhs academy
sept 26-- kelsey's birthday
sept 28-- my birthday

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