
Oh Freepeople, forgive me for having such little faith in your fall collection. I didn't realize you were just holding the good stuff for this week's new releases.

Love Always,

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posted at 1:54 PM



None of the Threadless tees have really spoken to me lately, but today there were three designs that I really love and wouldn't mind at all if someone bought me one...say...for a birthday coming up... or somethin'. Maybe a "hey, you don't know me but I was just thinkin' about ya" type of gift. I'll be a little unnerved by it but I'll still have a kickin' new shirt, so who cares.

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posted at 10:15 AM




( via Something old, Something new)The work ofkhW Jewelry is exactly the style of jewelry I was looking for to wear on my wedding day. Ethereal and organic at the same time without looking too prissy.

These were the pieces I had intended on wearing to the wedding. A carnelian chokerand matching earings by a Thai artist named Busarin, featured on Novica.com. After all, if you can't buy from an independent craftswoman... buy freetrade!

yet more from Busarin...

As I said, I intended on wearing these pieces, but Chris had other plans. Right before the picture taking began, Chris gave me a special gift. When Chris and I first began dating he had given me a pearl that he had bought when he was a little boy. The story goes that he asked his parents to buy the pearl so that he could someday give it the girl he was going to marry... because evidently those are the kinds of things that nine year old Chris thought about. While the necklace was beautiful, the setting was in yellow gold so I rarely wore it (gold snob, that's me). As my wedding gift, Chris had the setting rhodium plated and replaced the chain. So what's a girl to do? Forget carnelian and go it sentimental style, that's what.

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posted at 11:27 PM



For all of you cats that come to this blog looking for wedding related posts... well... you know... I'm married now, so the planning obsession is slowly seeping away. Which is healthy, thank you.

If you're getting married or still holding on to an unhealthy obsession (unlike me), check out Weddingbee.com
These chicks are where it's at wedding wise! Reading their posts make me want to plan a wedding every year (cue the cold sweat and hives).

And again, my lament to the internet gods:

Why?! Why did you let me flounder for a whole year on my own?! Why did you keep these amazing resources away from me only to reveal them after the wedding?!

The Internet is a sadist.

Even cooler (and I do mean cool), They gave me a write up! So, much thanks to the Weddingbee crew! You rock my world.

posted at 10:53 AM




Dear Vending Machine Guy,
Is it really necessary to stock a whole row with Gardetto's?
Seriously. That's gross. Bring me my cheez-its for I crave cheez!

posted at 3:22 PM




On Saturday I took a small town road trip to Stroud in order to retrieve some items I saw in a junk store window.
Stroud is a bust.
I rolled into town at 2 in the afternoon and hardly saw another living soul. The town is eerily quite and, coupled with the excruciating heat and blinding sun, the whole place had a creepy 70's horror movie vibe. Ever since the outlet mall blew over it's just been a sad, sad place to be.
The junk shop in question was permanently closed and had declined into the owner's personal storage unit- as junk shops often do in small town Oklahoma. I strongly believe that these people leave the coolest items in the storefront windows to infuriate people like me. There's nothing that we can do but stare longingly, watching the pieces we covet gather webs and fade in the sun. Sickos. Chris has been casing one of these "shops" in downtown Shawnee for the last two years in order to liberate a set of matching red mopeds.

The only benefit of the trip was visiting Chandler's "Fine Things on the Corner" antique shop. I love this place, and it's very much worth the 45 minute drive to visit every once in awhile. See Stroud...I don't need you, I don't need anything.
Just this ashtray. And this paddle game, the ashtray and the paddle game and that's all I need...
...and this remote control.

Items thrifted from the weekend...

From "Fine Things on the Corner"...

posted at 12:32 AM




A new secret project! How exciting! ...to me anyway.

I'm quite happy with the way *insert project here* turned out and I really wish I could post pics, but alas it's a birthday gift...so results to be posted at the end of september.

posted at 11:17 PM



Fiiiinally, a year after launching their tie designs, Naked & Angryhas released a
series of 5 unique wall paper designs.
For $60 dollars a roll you can deck out your pad in beauty. For $425 dollars a month you can curse the fact that you still rent your home. Even if wall papering was allowed in the lease there's no way I'd
spend $60 bucks a roll on something I'd more than likely have to tear
down in 6 months...I'd cry. I am, however, considering the "big wall papered
panel leaning against the wall" schtick that seems to be all the rage
these days.

posted at 10:02 AM




Cruising around flickr I found Norea's dachshund pillow covers.

How awesome are they? I feel compelled to go out and buy a dachshund so that I can accessorize with all the great dachshund design available right now... because that's a really healthy outlook on dog ownership.
What I really want to know is– where's all the corgi/beagle mutt merchandise? All this breedism is making Fiona sad.

posted at 4:24 PM



(via decor8.com)
Jen Corace is just one of six artists featured in the show Flaunt at the Junc Gallery. I am not in LA and cannot go to the opening tonight (at 7 pm), nor do I know anyone in LA that might benefit from this information... I just can't pass up an opportunity to post Jen's beautiful artwork.

posted at 1:10 PM




Today was a good day for thrifting...and I bought it all for under $9! Thanks Salvation Army!

(Set of four owl canisters, An owl windchime, A complete set of the "Young People's Science Encyclopedia", 5 "Junior Deluxe Edition" classics)

posted at 12:24 AM




If I died and came back as a piece of pottery I would wish for nothing more than to be an Esther Derkx Improved Crockery teapot. More than likely I would return to earth as a middle school art student's pinch pot...and then I would shamelessly throw myself at the Esther Derkx until all the other pinch pots alienate me out of sheer embarrassment.
That is, if coming back as earthenware was a possibility...and if reincarnation is even a possibility. I still really like these recons though.

posted at 2:10 AM




It's 1 am...
Time for fruit salad!

We completely forgot about the fruit salad Chris made to go with dinner. Good thing it's never too late for fruit! Normally I prefer my fruit in its original form, but this was delicious. Chris even drizzled the fruit with a cinnamon & apricot jam glaze. Who's the luckiest girl ever? mmmmm...

posted at 1:28 AM




Hooray! From buyolympia.com:

We wanted you to be the first to know that the 2007 Nikki McClure calendars have arrived and are ready to ship.
This year's theme is "The Time Is Now" and features twelve new papercuts.

This year's powerful verbs and calls to action are:
Build. Transmit. Wake Up! Strengthen. Voice. Respond. Return. Breathe. Attempt. Congregate. Capsize. Repair.

Don't wait until the last minute. We've made more calendars this year than ever before, but they do always sell out, so it's best to get your order in early... that'll make sure you have it to enjoy next year.

Thanks for your continued support,
-pat & aaronbuyolympia.com

posted at 4:55 PM



We here at Maison Carter (pronounced "Carté") are of the opinion that lace and underwire have no place in the bedroom. Chris' preference for soft knits means a much more comfortable sleep for me, but it certainly makes shopping difficult. From what I can tell, if you don't want to look like a streetwalker, shops automatically assume that you're in the market for flannel muumuus. What's a girl to do?
Check out Sophie Simmons' Dessous. Inspired by the "nostalgic femininity" of her mother's Parisian undergarments, Sophie has designed a line of delicate pieces in Italian cottons featuring silk embroidery. Neat!

posted at 12:41 AM




How is it that I always walk into the morning meeting at the strangest times?

Supervisor #1: ...If you were listening you would've known that.
Supervisor #2: Well...I have a skin condition.
Supervisor #1: I have an x-acto knife.

That's verbatim folks. The Newspaper business is a scary place.

posted at 1:40 PM



Previous post about the overflowing nature of my stash not withstanding...I will have you! Luckily, no one reads this so I don't have to worry about anyone sneaking over to ebay and taking it away from me.

Off to work!

posted at 8:00 AM




I'm in love with Neko Case . From the sound of Fox Confessor Brings the Food, she loves me too.
The album's cover art, as well as the gorgeous colored pencil animation in the "Maybe Sparrow" video (Which can be seen on Neko's official site, by the by) led me to search for the artist behind them. With my fantastic Google skills I discovered* Vancouver artist Julie Morstad. Julie's work reminds me of Carson Ellis crossed with a compositional style not unlike Marcel Dzama. No wonder I've fallen for her. See more of her work at Atelier Gallery.

*Discovered in the way that Columbus "discovered" the Americas... I know full well that I'm most likely the last to arrive on the scene, but considering that I live in rural Oklahoma without cable TV, I'm still pretty proud of myself.

posted at 11:09 PM



Searching for fabric on ebay is always hit or miss for me. Evidently I've just been terribly inefficent since tonight I totally scored.
Outsidearts Vintage Fabric has a constantly rotating stock of vintage textiles featuring mid-century and Danish prints that are so hip with the kids these days. Too bad my stash has been getting a little out of control lately so I have forced myself to be content just looking at all the pretty pictures.

posted at 9:33 PM




Good morning. Yes, that's right. It's a little after 7pm and I've only been out of bed for an hour and a half. I guess that means my plans to hit the garage sales are shot. We'll see if I still get around to cleaning the studio and deciphering dress patterns per the goals I set on friday evening.

It's a little strange to be eating cereal while listening to the cicadas come out. There is a plus side though..I only have to wait a little bit longer till I can go outside to get the mail without having to put real clothes on! I'll probably just leave the paper in the yard- a cold reminder of the garage sales I missed.

What's the deal with migraines only assaulting me on the weekends!? It seems like the majority of my saturdays and sundays are spent in a dark room with a pillow over my face (not as much fun as it sounds). Doesn't my head understand that these are the only days off I get?!

The worst thing is that Chris works from 8:30 am till midnight, so by the time he gets home I'm all better and thus no sympathy for me. At least I can wallow in seclusion without the guilt of ruining his weekend too.

posted at 7:10 PM




So it's 2:30 in the morning and Chris is watching PBS fundraising specials- A Neil Sadaka concert no less. He sings like a woman (Sadaka, not Chris). Man. We need us some cable.

Honah Lee's Gocco Show, to raise awareness for the plight of the Print Gocco, is accepting submissions til August 2Oth. Til then satisfy your need to see great gocco art by visiting the wurst gallery featuring the show "We Love Gocco". Limited edition prints are available on the cheap!

Evan B. Harris's " Love with a Needle"

Mizna Wada's "Little Love"

posted at 2:46 AM




Emily at Inside a Black Apple has the most beautiful new creations in her Etsy Shop.

Fantastic fabric and great colors. I love the dunce motif... all the charm of a gnome but cuter and more misunderstood angst.
Also available on Etsy:

posted at 10:37 AM




The new Anthropologie catalog however can put me in debt anytime. Latest obsessions? Dresses, aprons and rugs.
Some highlights:

posted at 5:54 PM



Having to eat a three course meal with my vitamins every morning in order to combat nausea probably defeats the fact that they provide me with weight loss aiding properties. I like to call One-a-Day weight smart "Bulemia in a Bottle".

In other news...

Free People's Fall catalog is being shipped out this week. I love the fall fashion season... more chest coverage and less A-cup envy. However, I'm a little disappointed with the selection this time around. There are several items that would be more than graciously accepted as gifts... but nothing I'd take out a loan over. Ah well...there's always winter.

posted at 12:10 PM




This is Kelsey...

She dances, plays the violin and is the hippest thing to hit Broken Arrow since Kristin Chenoweth. Truly. And now everyone who Googles her will know it, too.
Kelsey is also a little weird about bugs...but in all fairness the house was inundated with them this weekend...so what can you do. She can come back and visit anytime...cause when she comes she brings fudge!

posted at 10:47 AM




Did I mention that our feet hurt a lot while we were in New York? I guess that's what happens when you wear wedding heels for 18 hours and then take a walking tour of Manhattan. On day two, it was so bad that every time we stopped in a store I would get chills. That's right... my feet hurt so intensely that I had goose bumps and chills. So it went like this– walk two blocks, stop and sit, walk two more blocks, stop and sit again. Kind of put a damper on our visit to the Greenwich Village.
We were sitting on a particularly inviting stoop when Chris started poking me. "Is that him? That's him! I know it's him!"

So without further ado ...

Willem DaFoe's back (with his wife Giada Colagrande)!

We both agreed that he is much more attractive in real life. I think it could very well have been the highlight of Chris' trip. It certainly was the highlight of every postcard he sent out. We also have a picture of Dennis Miller's back and also the back of "some guy I swear was in movies I've seen". We're waiting for the tabloids to start making offers.

posted at 10:32 AM



I found a few long forgotten pictures from our honeymoon on my camera phone and thought I should share.

Some of these would've been taken with my actual camera but this was the day that the copper penny in my satchel found the spare set of rechargeable batteries and nearly caused me to not-so spontaneously combust on the subway. I guess I missed the day in kindergarten when they told us that batteries and pennies don't go in the same pocket. Hm. Who knew (this is where Chris says "uh...everybody! Duh!" But probably he said it without the duh cause I don't think he says that).

The batteries melted though a memory card (used), and a roll of film (unused) before I felt my lap begin to sizzle. I jumped out of my seat and when Chris asked me what was wrong "Something's happening!" was all I could say. Chris made fun of me for the rest of the day. I could've died... the big jerk.

posted at 10:17 AM




Tropical Storm Chris, the third named storm of the 2006 Atlantic hurricane season, developed early Tuesday near the Leeward Islands, forecasters at the National Hurricane Center said.

From the looks of things "Tropical Storm Chris" hit our house yesterday while I was at work. "Tropical Storm Chris" being Christopher...otherwise known as "El Destructo".

posted at 10:05 AM



[listening: noah and the whale]
[reading:life together]
[watching: weeds]
[project: stuff]

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sept 8-12-- okdhs academy
sept 26-- kelsey's birthday
sept 28-- my birthday

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