
What's better than a Ted Kennedy endorsement? Well, almost anything really... but an endorsement is especially awesome coming from Shepard Fairey, cause then you get awesome posters chock full of awesome. Visit ObeyGiant.com to order your own.
It may look a little hammer-'n-sickle, but that's just his street art style, yo! Fairey don't mean nothin' by it (Obama != socialist... for reals).
Thanks Gawker !

More PrObama Street art can be seen at GoTellMama.org

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posted at 8:27 AM




Tomorrow morning the contractor comes to take a look at our bathroom remodel. We've finally reached the end of the demolishing segment of the game and need a little direction as to the steps that should follow. I wish we could be DIY purists, but I just don't trust us to complete a bathroom that won't fall apart, flood or explode. There are just a few things I'd rather leave to the professionals. For example:

1. Thanks to our powers of deductive reasoning, we know there is a leak in one of the pipes since every flush sent water dripping into the kitchen below. We're crossing our fingers that the source will be from one of the recently exposed walls, and NOT from a pipe under the floor.

2. An unused chimney travels through the house taking up valuable space in the bathroom and kitchen. Hopefully, Mr. Contractor will tell us this can be removed without causing our house to collapse. The ventilation pipe that connects to both the water heater and furnace is located inside the chimney... so this will need to be relocated...but to where?!

3. Underneath the tile floor is more plumbing encased in an unknown amount of cement. I understand that the tile will probably have to be sacrificed for the greater good... but how do we remove the floor without destroying the plaster on the dining room ceiling? Jackhammering is out, I guess. Once all the cement is removed, will the house collapse? I'm very concerned with the possibility of the house collapsing. I'd rather that not happen.

Good luck Contractor! I hope that your skills include magic and miracles!

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posted at 4:58 PM




John Allison, the creator of Scary Go Round, has released a new tote- Once I Buy it, It's Safe. Which is true... this tote just won't be safe until I buy it... It's my solemn duty. I gotta show those exchange rates who's boss!
Not only is it a pretty rockin' and Earth friendly shopping bag...but by buying it you'll be supporting a fantastic webcomic which every single one of you should start reading immediately. No seriously... right now. This blog isn't even good, what are you still doing here?

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posted at 1:27 PM




We haven't done t-shirts in awhile have we? My apologies...

1. Take This- Noisebot 2. Just Don't Care- Palmer Cash 3. Windy City- Lucky Threads
4. A Diamond is Forever- Palmer Cash 5. Kern- Veer 6. Bad Decision- Questionable Content
7. I smell- No Star 8. Audio Visual- Palmer Cash 9. Yes You Are- Threadless

Can I just say that the day I first laid eyes on the Kern zip up hoodie from Veer was just about the best day of my entire life? Yeah, that's right... surpassing wedding day, house closing day... blah blah blah. All I'm saying is that the birth of my first child has a lot to live up to, is all.
Oh, and Dad? I'm totally buying you the first one for the next occasion that calls for dad gifts. The surgical nurses will love it. Seriously.
This post represents one hour and thirty minutes that could have been spent working on bathroom demo. Instead, my eyes are all glazed over and now you have pretty shirts to look. Now, If you'll excuse me, I have to run up stairs before Chris gets home so I can pretend that I've been working this whole time.

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posted at 10:50 PM




doors 005
Originally uploaded by Barack Obama

posted at 8:52 AM



[listening: noah and the whale]
[reading:life together]
[watching: weeds]
[project: stuff]

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