
Tonight I stuck my hand in the oven just to see if I could feel. Or maybe I just pressed my index finger up againt the oven rack when I was taking out a pan of biscuits. Either way it's blistering like all get out and I really wish I hadn't done it. Makes it awfully hard to type. blah.
I'm at work being bored...wishin I was at home with a big bowl of beef, vegetable and saffron stew. mmm yeah. Now that it's getting cold again, Chris and I are working our way through the book Real Stew that I got him this summer. It's incredible. Making a good stew is quite the adventure. We had to drive all over town in our search for saffron yesterday. Evidently the stores around here only carry the essentials for making various kinds of gravy. When we finally found some, we were shocked and awed to find out it costs 32 bucks a bottle! We paid six dollars for a few pinches but it was worth it. Saffron is like crack around here... only more difficult to get a hold of. The stew of the night is pork and bell pepper, which Chris is home preparing as we speak. That means as soon as I get done here, I can enjoy a hearty meal without the hassle of grinding garlic or slicing onions.

posted at 7:08 PM




Birthday Weekend 2003 is now officially over but not forgotten. I'd like to discuss at length various aspects of the stellarness of the last three days but instead I feel there's something I need to address. . .
The ranting that was previously here has been taken away...sorry you just missed out. I was thinkin to myself "Self, sometimes you've got to be the big man. Sometimes you just have to take the blows and rise above them. Sometimes you have to show the greater maturity...and then sometimes you have to drive to Texas for the express purpose of beating smeone over the head with a 2x4. Sadly though, this is not that time." So previous post has been withdrawn...thanks
So anyway, Happy Birthday to me and all that. There will be an actual post to follow later.

posted at 9:39 AM




Ah....cars are a wonderful invention...Really, I can't understand how I ever maintained sanity without one (arguable I know. shut up.) . My housemates are having to deal with my overly excited hourly "This is where I've been today!" list. I have my suspicions that their support of my new found skills have changed into feined excitement and tired smiles. Whatever. This is my moment! I did, however, promise that stories of my treks to the grocery store and a run down of just where I've been whenever I come home will cease at the end of the week. After that, I'll just have to contain my odyssey of self discovery within myself. It's funny though how I can be so proud of my accomplishment when I'm fully aware of how truly sad and pathetic it is to be a new driver at 21. If there was ever a good example of humble pride, this is it.

posted at 9:40 AM




Oh and by the way....My car is coming today! It's been at the shop for three weeks and I'm going through car withdrawl something aweful...even worse than the car withdrawl I've been suffering from for the past seven years. My car pool liberation is almost complete! Viva la revolucion!

posted at 9:57 AM



Today in Micro Computer Literacy we're learning to create and save files...for 50 minutes. Rock. So I'm using this oh so unproductive time to update my oh so neglected blog. Poor thing. Weep for it.
Last week Chris and I went to see Ben Folds (who is amazing live...FABULOUS live... The man is "I want to have his piano genius babies" good) in Stillwater....Twice...because somehow I was put in charge of our calendar and I had us take the hour long drive to OSU on the wrong day. Why? well I swore that the concert was on Thursday and my brother backed me up and I'm just plain mentally challendged when it comes to such things.
Luckily though Chris was able to get off work again for the actual concert night and I made him solemnly swear never to mention the incident again (except to a select group of individuals to which I gave him permission to make fun of me). So far he's made good on that promise.
Along with Ben Folds we also got to experience the legend that is Sinbad! I use the term "legend" very loosely. I blame Sinbad for expanding Chris' vocabulary to include phrases such as "off the hook."

posted at 9:48 AM




Silent Hill 2 rules my life

posted at 5:38 PM




I start my job as Mr. Jones' TA today...movin on up in the ol' art department, yes'ir. Now not only am I the department's after hours key master but I'm in charge of your grades too...bow to me art majors of OBU!
I can't wait to spend hours scanning images, creating power point presentations and don't even get me started on those scantrons...I can grade scantrons like no other and I'm a whiz at those freshman level true/false tests. Plus, I hearby swear never to draw a smiley face on anyone's test. Even if they make a perfect score and I think that's awesome, I will not illustrate my feelings by writting "awesome" with big cap letters and multiple exclamation marks at the top of the page -unless, of course, it's done in an ironic manner in which case it's "hip" and thus okay.

posted at 4:25 PM



[listening: noah and the whale]
[reading:life together]
[watching: weeds]
[project: stuff]

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sept 26-- kelsey's birthday
sept 28-- my birthday

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