
6:30 pm. Still at work. Nights have been longer in the past so it's not a huge deal. I actually could have left 30 minutes ago but I'm trying to kill time before the big revival ( pronounced re-vie-velle) which is sure to..make me really hungry since I didn't have lunch today. The frozen Weight Watchers lasagna I have tucked away in the break room just wasn't doing it for me today. So yeah the revival...research shows that the pastor is pretty nervous about our first foray into teen revivaloution. Fair enough. The reason though is not that we're tragically under-prepared but that the use of a drum kit in the sanctuary might cause a church split.
MP leaves us again on monday (that's right no name droppage...stop googling yourself man... it's embarrassing). It will make me sadder than it probably should but I was glad to have someone around. Thanks for letting me and Chris kidnap you on an almost nightly basis.

posted at 6:31 PM




Adventures in Tulsa

We had the meeting of the parents on saturday and it turns out I didn't have much to worry about. Besides a quibble over the check and a couple brief moments of awkwardness the dinner went over quite well. The dads, both notorious for being quite, really seemed to hit it off, especially since they grew up in the same place

One of the highlights (after a short pause in conversation, paraphrased):

Chris' Dad: So, do you golf?
My Dad: Every once in awhile.
Chris' Dad: Yeah, I'm terrible at it.

Oh and the food at Ti Amo's in Tulsa is fantastic. Go there but don't order the Chicken Marsala. They're not kidding about the orange zest.

A special weekend no thanks to my beautiful Fiona. I'm thinking that vomiting on my mom's carpet and practically peeing on my sister is not the way to win the hearts of my family. There comes a point when people no longer believe my pleas of "she really is housebroken, I promise!" and "she's really well behaved at home."
Way to go Brendle Butt. I hope you like kennels.

And now for some disturbing clipart.

posted at 11:11 AM



[listening: noah and the whale]
[reading:life together]
[watching: weeds]
[project: stuff]

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sept 26-- kelsey's birthday
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