
It Snowed!
I'm such a little kid when it comes to snow. This morning I took the longest route possible to get to my car so I wouldn't disturb the snow. I don't understand how people can be so passive about it (i.e. Christopher). It's snow! It's gorgeous! It gives my house "curb appeal"! What isn't to like? Now I understand if we lived in Minnesota...but this is Oklahoma and it only snows about twice a year...so common get excited with me!

You know what I like? I like making the big money. If anyone has a big money surplus I'm not above accepting a chunk. Lord knows there isn't much to go around in this cheap place...we just duct taped the xerox machine together.

posted at 1:07 PM




Birthday Fun Time
A belated blog happy birthday to Christopher who now not only acts like an old man but actually is an old man.
Last night I cooked him dinner and I really impressed myself with my culinary skills...I'm not sure if Chris was impressed but if he wasn't than it's only because he wasn't there to witness the grating of a whole pound of carrots...my fingernails will eternally be orange to commemorate Chris' birth. I made red curry with chicken and dried apricots over sticky rice and a three tiered carrot cake with cream cheese frosting for dessert. Did I mention it was all from scratch? Did I mention the pound of carrots? Well...I'm impressed.

posted at 4:11 PM





This is what stares at me all day at work thanks to P (Yes it's a birdhouse and yes that is a little wooden bird in it's mouth).

posted at 6:09 PM




One of the boys from the immersion program died this week. As Caitlin says in her post, I never knew him well and his death really has no impact on my life, but still... He was a boy in my class (a man? I guess we all grow up even if memories don't), he was my age, he died suddenly and seemingly before his time. He was a quiet kid, unassuming, decent, which both made him stand out and fade into the background at the same time in a class full of attention grabbers.
My only real memory of him, as with Caitlin, was when he had to wear a windbreaker around his waist in Paris. Poor guy. Probably convinced himself that no one would remember after all the time that had passed, and now (at least for me and Caitlin) that's our one lasting memory.
Bye Pete.

posted at 1:07 PM




Also up for your consideration are pics from this weekend's fun around the campfire starring Chris, Kara, Aaron and Marty!

posted at 2:35 PM



Photos from the Momentum show are finally up on my Flickr page.

posted at 1:48 PM




My real job at the paper starts on the 31st and let me just say it's about time, this temp job is getting a little on the dull side. I'm here for 7 to 10 hours a day to do two hours worth of work. I don't know how Crazy Cat Lady has been able to do this for ten plus years without going ...well then she is crazy isn't she.

Wait just a second, I have to initial a piece of paper and put it on a hook. Okay I'm back. Whew. Too much excitement.

There are about 5,000 little children running around the office today. Or rather standing at attention in a ring around the room while the bigwigs explain the magic of newspaper production in terms that would make Gutenberg reconsider his life's work. Poor things, this must be the worst fieldtrip ever. I'd offer them each a Wheat Thin but I'm almost out and that's my lunch. The kids are staring at me.

I am an animatronic character in the EPCOT attraction, "Your Small Town Paper: Insignificant?" sponsored by Rupert Murdoch. I'm the one in the corner putting red and green clips on plastic folders. I'm easy to miss.

Man, I love the Wheat Thins.

Phrases said in an office setting that would get you punched in real life:

"You might want to add that to your knowledge base there."

Add this to your knowledge base, Punk!

posted at 1:36 PM




Dull Work Day = Multi Post Day
I just found this and this while surfing the information superhighway and it made me a little sad inside. Not a lot sad, just a litttle. Those were the days before stupid adolescent girl mode kicked in* and I lost track of what really mattered in life...the production of good times and good music with good people. The things you give up for an out of state college education. Bah.
If any of you Lounge Derbies kids google the band, drop me a line.

* The superlong lost weekend of 2000-2001, a stage I'm glad I outgrew.

posted at 1:15 PM



Does Art stand still? No it does not!

Momentum is tomorrow night from 8 til midnight! Tickets are $7 in advance at the OVAC site, and $10 at the door. If affording a ticket is a problem I'll totally hook you up. I'll have pictures to share on Monday provided the experience isn't a complete disaster.

posted at 11:35 AM




A Fun Quiz
In honor of freezing rain and tonight's church cancellation

When I get off work tonight, I will:

A. Make dinner, do laundry, take down the Christmas tree and perform general household cleaning duties.
B. Clean up my long neglected studio and actually get some work done for once.
C. Go to the Rainbow and at least do some reading.
D. Pick up a pizza on the way home, sit on the couch and play Knights of the Old Republic till Chris gets off work and I realize how pathetic I am.

If you picked D you are the winner (and I, subsequently, am the loser). Seriously, Chris has to take his X-Box home.

Moving from the unproductive to the reproductive... Congratulations, Jimmy and Andrea! Way to have a baby! Woohoo!

posted at 1:03 PM



[listening: noah and the whale]
[reading:life together]
[watching: weeds]
[project: stuff]

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sept 8-12-- okdhs academy
sept 26-- kelsey's birthday
sept 28-- my birthday

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