
I wasn't going to post again this morning (Lord knows a month hasn't passed yet since my last post!. This morning's Writer's Almanac forced my hand. Here are the last two stanzas of Lies My Mother Told Me, by Elizabeth Thomas.

It is bad luck to kill a moth. Moths are
the souls of our ancestors and it just
might be Papa paying a visit.
If you kiss a boy on the mouth
your lips will stick together
and he'll use the opportunity
to suck out your brains.
If you ever lie to me
God will know
and rat you out.
And sometimes
God exaggerates.
Trust me —
you don't want that
to happen.

Now back to last minute laundry!

posted at 9:07 AM



It's Road Trip Weekend! Chris and I are hitting the open road tomorrow morning. We'll be staying in Tupelo tomorrow night, Atlanta Saturday and Birmingham on Sunday. It's the Carter Family Deep South Tour '09! If you need us, we'll be on Highway 78, rockin'to the Carolina Chocolate Drops while drinking Peach Nehi till our teeth rot out. Here's hoping we'll have time to stop off at The World's Largest Office Chair!

The ultimate goal of our road trip will be to arrive, safe and sound, at The Not Wedding in Atlanta, Georgia on Sunday night. There I will be hocking my buttony wares & doing my best to convince the gathered brides that bartering cash for buttons is the way to go in these tough economic times. I don't know if you've read The Economist lately but "Purchasing 1 Inch Buttons" is right between "Grow your own Victory Garden" and "Put All Your Money in a Mattress" in their list of ways to ride out the recession. My dads favorite tip, "Shut the Refrigerator Door," is a distant fourth.

When I get back from Atlanta I might have time for things other than button making... like blogging... and also doing the dishes.

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posted at 1:20 AM



[listening: noah and the whale]
[reading:life together]
[watching: weeds]
[project: stuff]

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