
My nominee for best quote ever.
During this year's commencement season, Obama will be addressing the students at Wesleyan in Senator Kennedy's stead. Wesleyan students are trying very hard to put their excitement into words. Dude Almighty, are they ever excited.

Lola Pellegrino ‘08: You know that feeling when you’re so excited you have to pee? I’m feeling that. In my heart.”

Runner up:
Sarah Lonning ‘06: “I can’t imagine anyone that the Wesleyan student body would possibly be more excited about. Maybe Gandhi, if he weren’t dead.”

This is for my dear brother who, I'm pretty sure, might have only been half joking when he told my mom that Obama was a likely candidate for Anti-Christ. At the very least he enjoys trying to rile us up with SLANDEROUS LIES. It doesn't work though. We're very level headed about such matters.

(source:theprereq.com via wonkette.com)

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posted at 8:32 PM



Something downstairs smells vaguely of vomit. It better not be actual vomit or I'm going to be seriously ticked off...
It would also mean that I have a nauseous prowler. No one wants that.

Update: Found it! Just the dog!


posted at 12:24 PM



Yes, it is Memorial Day. Yep, I am awake at 6:30 in the morning. It was storming when I went to bed last night and it's the blitzkrieg this morning. I drank my coffee on the front porch and listened to the car alarms go off with each clap of thunder. There's nothing more relaxing than watching the majesty of a thunderstorm with the rumbles of automotive security systems in the distance.
Whatever happened to The Club? So much quieter. Nothing says "scared white kid" like a big red rod attached to your steering wheel and you'll still wake up to a stripped car in the morning. But, by golly, that steering wheel will be there, plus, your neighbor will sleep a lot more soundly.
Fiona was none to pleased about going outside this morning. Her "what, are you kidding me?" look is priceless. As we sat on the porch the rain started to lift and she got a bit more daring, slowly edging her way to the end of the stairs. She seemed very proud of herself when she got to the grass but then the rain had let up completely so, yeah, way to go Big Shot, you're real brave. Every time it rains, she drinks water from puddles as if she's been neglected for weeks. She gives me a look that clearly says I should never be trusted with the care of small children. I'm not one to anthropomorphize my dog or anything.


posted at 6:38 AM




toothpaste for dinner


posted at 6:46 PM



Dear Punks who stole my lawn mower,
Pshew, You guys sure did save me a lot of trouble when you stole my broken mower. We weren't sure what to do with it really- take it to the dump, shoot it? Sure, it can probably be repaired but if we weren't willing to pay for it, I'm betting you won't either.
I'm going out on a limb here but I'm pretty confident that you're not interested in it's grass cutting capabilities. I wonder how much a pawn shop will give you for a seized up mower. Hopefully it's worth the trouble for you. Oh, and you may not want to test it as it was nigh to the point of explosion when it gave it's dying breath. I'm sure you'll be fine... when you threw it over the fence, it probably helped out a lot.

Thanks again!


posted at 9:40 AM




This morning on Studio Tulsa I found out that Tulsa has a super clandestine dog park and some fancy dog owner secret society doesn't want anyone else to know. Elitist jerks. I don't know why Fiona can't play at the stupid ol'dog park just because she's an avid humper of other dogs (her "run, jump and hump" move is especially impressive). How dare they deny such a magnificent beast her right to frolic!


posted at 9:41 PM





(via Making it Lovely)


posted at 5:02 PM



[listening: noah and the whale]
[reading:life together]
[watching: weeds]
[project: stuff]

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