
"You've got to give the people what they want..."

I had three hours of sleep last night...sleepiness breeds incoherency and bullet lists:

- I'm all alone in the art building and it's cold. I discovered Gesso in spray paint form yesterday....hopefully it will take the sting out of preping. Bah to prep is what I say...and clean up for that matter...all my brushes have become disposable.

- Ben Folds is playing at the University of Tulsa on April 8th in the Donald W. Reynolds center. Be there.

-Mark your calenders as well for Wednesday, March 31st. Women's Day Chapel! Yes! It's so nice of OBU to give the girls their own special day. Female to Male ratio- 3:1, Male to Female chapel speakers- 38:1.

-I'm not kidding...it's really cold in here. I've got goose bumps.

-Evediently all the cool kids are on Xanga these days...what gives? There's an OBU blog ring even.

posted at 8:53 PM



Ebay is my new best friend. Oh we've been friends for awhile now...somewhere between "nod hello in the hall" and "sleepovers every tuesday night". But yes...I've made quite the sum of money these past few weeks....quite the sum... Who knew my old Shins record would be worth $82 to someone. To that I say... thanks Ebay....thanks for all the cash.

For the second time in as many years I'm unable to attend a Pedro the Lion show because of a trip to Tulsa. Stupid Spring Break. I hope my parents realize and appreciate all that I sacrifice for them. Two years in a row mom and dad! If anyone wants to attend though, the show is Wednesday the 17th in Fort Worth, TX at the Ridglea Theater w/ John Vanderslice and Ester Drang. If you're interested, let Aaron Willis know cause he really wants to go.

posted at 3:03 PM




Post number one for the month of March. Go Marissa. I remember back in the day when I'd post on this sucker twice a day on average. Priorities change I guess. Don't get me wrong I miss this thing a lot and I'm not belittling the great art of blogging in any way, shape, or form. This blog just isn't a part of me like it once was, for various asundry reasons.

Last Wednesday, after yet another fabulous mandatory chapel experience, I felt inspired to post about the "sermon." Lucas got there before me though, and did a very good job of it too.
Wade Burleson. Bah. This man's audacity was outrageous... how the BGCO chooses their president I just don't know, but sensitivity training deffinatly isn't a prerequisite. As Lucas pointed out on his site, Burleson singled out a girl in the crowd who's mother is a member of his church in Enid. Many pastors do this when speaking at chapel, I don't really know why but it's no big deal. This time, as the girl stands and waves to the rest of the roughly 2,000 students around her, Burleson announces that this poor girl's mother has cancer, he asks all of us to keep her in our prayers that "God might bring her to Him soon." So what is this girl thinking as she's standing there, the faces of shock and sympathy all around her? Is she embarassed? Angry? Could those close enough see the dramatic change in her expression as she heard these words come from her trusted pastor, or was she able to keep her composure long enough to melt back into her seat? I guarantee this guy didn't give it a second thought. He continued his roll call of students who were "lucky" enough to be on a first name basis with our great president without skipping a beat, and each timidly rose, wondering what dirty laundry or family tragedy would be aired out in front of their peers. It was all down hill from there.

Lucas addresses the rest of the chapel well, but I have one more question. Okay, I know that The Passion (which I've heard from my parents, my school, and my mailman that it's simply fantastic. I don't doubt that at all.) has raised this great debate about "who killed the Christ". Well of course the easy answer is "The Jew" (for clarification purposes, these are the terms Burleson used). What is this? Why, in the year 2004, are we still discussing this?! Why does Burleson feel that there needs to be clarification- that we need to have BGCO approved responses to this argument? Does anyone today in the Christian community really still believe that "The Jew" or the Jewish race as a whole, killed Jesus? I mean, besides the various white supremist "churches" and that "God hates fags" guy. Why is this even considered a valid topic- one that needs clarification on a supposedly enlightened and highly academic college campus. Thanks for letting us know, Burleson, that the entire Jewish race isn't responsible for the death of our Savior. Just in case anyone asks who did though, tell them the official Southern Baptist answer is "God did it". You know, just so you're ready.
He ended the chapel with a charming little tale of a woman possessed by Satan who's now a Sunday school teacher at his church. Afterwards, parents all over Enid pulled their children out of sunday school, just to be safe.

Lucas also posts about this last week's chapel service which happened to be "Native American Day". Yes, that's right. It's the one week out of the year, besides "Women's Day", that we don't have to listen to an aging white man. Lucas pretty much said everything I was going to write nigh perfectly so I won't bore you with my opinions on that. The speaker, Richard Twiss, was fantastic though and really stuck it to the Southern Baptists on several points. Sadly for us, that means we won't likely be hearing from him again next year.

posted at 5:33 PM



[listening: noah and the whale]
[reading:life together]
[watching: weeds]
[project: stuff]

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